Chapter 39

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As we left the altar, Naruto at least got to finish walking someone down the aisle as he took Kaori.

"Kakashi...why did you-" I glanced to Kaori skipping down the aisle, then back at him.

"Because you are what's best for her."

"But I'm-"

"The mother who will always be there to love and cherish her, and never leave her side"

"What about Aiko and Sora?"

"I had Pakkun follow to watch after her, make sure she was safe. That's how I found out Aiko and Sora were giving her up."

"W-what?! They were...but could they...?" I started rambling. While it did lead to me having Kaori back, it still angered me that they were willing to let her go.

"It seems Aiko had just found she's pregnant when Hidan attacked them to get to her. It probably wouldn't have been anything if it had just been a random attack, but when they found out the only reason we found her was because she was his sacrifice and he's immortal...They were scared if he came again they'd lose their own child."

I look ahead at Kaori sadly. Being forced out of her home by her own parents has to be hard.

"It might be hard, but she's young and with time this'll just be a memory." He assured. He patted my hand assuringly, then pulled me along towards the reception hall.

As soon as we entered, we were greeted by anyone and everyone to congratulate us. Kaori ran back over to us, wanting to be there for all the greetings. You'd think this would be boring for children, but she got a kick out of me translating everything they said about her. Which usually consisted of 'she's so adorable', 'you're so cute' or 'she's the sweetest thing'.

"So now I get why I couldn't tell Kakashi, and why you were about ready to kill me" Shikamaru commented as he eyed the two of us. 

Kakashi sent me a sidelong glance at 'couldn't tell Kakashi' and I gave an innocent shrug. "You would have stopped me if you knew about Hidan." 

Kaori tapped my leg "who is he?"

"This is Shikamaru."

"" Shikamaru asked, overhearing his name as I spoke with Kaori. 

I knelt down to Kaori's height and pointed up at him. "It was Shikamaru who put the mean man in jail." I told her.

Her eyes widened, looking back and forth between me and Shikamaru and I just nodded my head. Kaori went over to Shikamaru and tugged on his jacket until he knelt down to her. Once he was her height, she wrapped her little arms around his neck in a hug and kissed his cheek.

Shikamaru froze up, surprised by the child. He wasn't used to dealing with kids. I giggled, seeing his cheeks go red. She pulled back and signed something to him.

"What'd she say?" He asked as she immediately grabbed his hand and started pulling him along.

"Looks like you just became her first dance partner." Kakashi laughed, making Shikamaru sweat drop. I turned to Kakashi with a smile. "What?" He asked.

"You've really caught on to sign language, huh?" I asked. Kakashi kept making me love him more and more by the minute.

"Of course. What kind of Father can't talk to his own Daughter?" He asked, and my heart rate just soared.

I turned to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You just know all the right things to say." I whispered against his lips.

"Of course. What kind of Husband would I be if I didn't know how to make my Wife swoon." He answered smoothly, making me laugh before he cut me off with a kiss. I held up my bouquet to guarantee I got more than his mask.

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant