Chapter 25

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"So this genjutsu of yours," It didn't take long for Kakashi to be back on Akita as soon as we got back to the room. He wanted to be prepared before starting this process on what might come. "If she doesn't remember anything, how are you doing going to get her into the memory?" He asked.

Akita sat up tall in her chair. "Well, without her memory to go off of, I would have to use something we already know. The best I could do is guide her to that point in time."

"Something we already know? Keiko doesn't talk about what happened." Naruto pointed out.

"Which means we don have details to give." Sakura added.

I never talked about it? Was I really that closed off...or was it really that bad?

"And where did she get her scars?" Akita asked them, partly not knowing and partly making a point

"She got them while she was captive." Kakashi answered while Naruto pursed his lips for not having thought about it.

"Then I would take her to the point in time when she got her scars."

Sakura and Naruto failed to hide their glances at my arm and mortified expressions at the thought. I shifted uncomfortably under their gaze. I glanced at my arm again, but still I didn't seem to see anything.

Kakashi was as quiet as the rest, but his seemed different. I looked over at him and he looked to be deep in thought.

His hand slipped into his pocket, feeling the plastic band that I had given him. He looked back at Keiko with an idea.

"Is it possible that reliving a different forgotten memory could help her remember?"

"I don't know..." Akita drawled out. This hadn't exactly happened before to know. " could. We wouldn't really know until we try. Do you actually know of a memory that's not correlated to...what happened" Akita paused as she tried to find a better word to call it in front of me. As if I didn't still know what she meant.

"I have something of Keiko's, and while she doesn't remember what it is, I doubt she would hold onto something to from...that" Kakashi glanced to me for my approval and I nodded my head.

Yes, it 'made my heart hurt' as I told Kakashi, but any other memory had to be better than reliving being raped...assuming Akita was correct in her assumptions.

Kakashi pulled the band from his pocket and handed it to Akita. "Maybe with this you can take her to the memory this came from."

Akita looked at the small thing in her hand same as Kakashi had. She opened her mouth to voice what she thought it was at first glance, but then thought better of it and pursed her lips.

Akita turned to me, "Did you want anyone to join you?" She asked.

I just looked at her stunned. "Join me? I thought this just makes me play through the memory in mind-like reliving it."

"That is the main purpose. But as we've said, you'll be reliving it, which means you can't 'go off script' or 'break out of character' so to speak. If we're wrong ok what kind of memory this is and things start to go very wrong, then if someone else is their they can bring a stop to it. They'll blend in with the scenery and you won't even notice them as long as they stand there and observe. And if they step in, saying or doing anything that does not match the memory, it will pull you out of the genjutsu."

"Wait, so she never really had to endure the worst of the memory if you had out her know what...?" Naruto asked in shock. This could have been not as big a deal if we'd known that. "Why didn't you tell us that before?

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now