Chapter 46

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"This is your last chance to back out" I reminded Sakura, not wanting her to have any regrets helping us. 

Sakura rolled her eyes at me and held out her hand. "Will you stop telling me that and hold my hand please." She glanced at the doctor across the room, too busy looking at his clipboard to notice, then back to me, "You're not the only one who gets bothered by this stuff." 

"Really?" I wondered, but did as she requested and held her hand.

"Being probed and having things shoved in your uterus is enough to make anyone uncomfortable at that moment." She replied dryly, then quickly shot me a reassuring smile even though she was the one about to be 'probed'.

I clasped both of my hands around Sakura's. "I know I've said it already, but I could never say it enough. Thank you for doing this, Sakura. And for going through-" I glanced around the room and all the things that would have me clawing at the table with anxiety at the thought of this stranger touching me with them, "-this to do it. I really appreciate you, Sakura. You're the best friend...and even sister I could ask for." 

Sakura pouted at me, then turned her head. "You're not supposed to make me emotional before I become hormonal enough to have an excuse, you know" She pouted, making me laugh. 

The doctor turned to us with a snap of his latex gloves to get our attention. "Are we ready?" He asked. Even for all of our nerves that had built up waiting in that room, we both nodded our heads excitedly. 


The doctor freed Sakura's legs from the stir-ups, then peeled off his gloves and threw them in the trash. 

"Alright. Now don't forget to set up your follow-up at the nurse's station. Come back in two weeks to run the test to confirm if the insemination was successful. If not, then we can try again if you wish in four weeks." He informed us. He turned to the paperwork on the counter to finish checking a few boxes on the paperwork he had to give us. He started to hand it to Sakura, but kept a grip on his end as he remembered one last detail. "To guarantee the success of this insemination, you cannot engage in intercourse until after we have confirmed you are pregnant."

"Oh, that won't be an issue. My husband is out of town right now, anyway." She assured.

"Good." He released the paperwork and gave us a smile. "I'll see you in two weeks."

"Oh my god" I breathed as we stepped out of the doctor's room. "This feels so just two weeks we could have a baby."

"I'm surprised you're still here. I figured you would have run off to the Hokage's office by now." Sakura quipped with a smile.

"Well, I had thought of it."

"Then go."

"You wouldn't mind?"

Sakura chuckled "I'll set the appointment. You go to him." Sakura insisted and I was off.


Sarada finally laid down for the night after a half hour of rocking her in her special chair. And by 'special chair', the only chair in the house she could stand to be held in for going to sleep.

Sakura smiled in the mirror as she got ready for bed herself, remembering that Sasuke had insisted on that chair. It was the only furniture in Sarada's room he picked out. Did that little girl somehow know? Did she feel closer to him when she fell asleep in that chair?

Sakura glanced down the mirror to her stomach and ran a hand over her body. It had only been two days since the insemination, and just like Keiko said, it had felt so unreal. The idea that right now she could be pregnant felt like only yesterday that she was carrying Sarada, and now she was nearly a year old.

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now