Chapter 41: Dear Dinah...

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A/N: Norminah's story line is all about the development/degradation of a crush mindset. This concept is kinda based off what I do. When I have a crush, I pretend that my journal is my crush, and I write the things I want to tell them that can't in real life. And when I get over that crush, I reread the entries and reflect on how my feelings have changed and how I've knocked them off their pedestal.

Recap (Read in Normani's voice)

Previously on DYTL

Every Norminah thing ever (CH 1-40 lmao)

Dinah's hand injury (CH 40)

Dinah thinks Normani loves her by default cuz of their marriage and nothing more (CH 7 + recurring) MEANWHILE, Normani's been in love with Dinah since the Easter Egg Hunt (CH 24) and told her parents to propose marriage to Dinah's family (CH 2)

Dinah was bummed as a kid cuz no one took her passion for tech seriously (CH 31 & 32)

Dinah's coming out party at church: Toward the end of the party, I found myself packing leftover food into Ziploc bags next to the pastor's daughter.

"H-hi Dinah...uhm...I-I just wanted to say that...uhm...I think it's very brave of you to accept yourself a-and show people the real you," she said shyly.

I was very surprised to hear her speak, because she rarely did. She was one of those people that I'd known since forever and grown up with, but barely knew. Despite my momentary surprise, I smiled at her and said, "Thank you, Normani. I feel blessed to have such a supportive community backing me up."

"We'll always have your back, Dinah," Normani said with a shy smile. And before I could thank her again and ask about her life, she quickly scurried off with a few Ziploc bags full of food.

Man, that girl's strange. (CH 31)

Norminah don't sleep in the middle of their beds, they sleep on their respective sides, subconsciously leaving the other side empty for each other (CH 38), which FOR SOME UNKNOWN, MYSTERIOUS REASON comforts Dinah when she checks on Normani at night (CH 40)


Dinah's POV

With my right hand in bandages, I couldn't make my wife breakfast anymore. Nor could I drive or go into the office. I had to work from home till my stitches came off, which presented several problems. One, my home office had lots of outdated equipment that I spent more time fixing than working. And two, I could only use my non-dominant, left hand which made everything twice as slow.

To Wife: I swear our printer hates me. Does it work for you?

From Wife: When it wants to.

From Wife: Actually, I think it only works on my personal laptop.

To Wife: Can I try using your laptop to print then? Working here is driving me nuts.

From Wife: Sure. It's in my bedroom on my nightstand. Password is 'IWokeUpLikeDis'

To Wife: Flawless password [perfect sign emoji] [crying laughter emoji]

To Wife: All my passwords are Queen B related too [queen emoji]

From Wife: Great minds think a like [queen emoji] [bee emoji]

Still chuckling at my wife's password, I put my flash drive into Normani's laptop and dragged my document to the printer icon on her desktop. However, as I was using my left hand cuz of my injury, I fucked up and accidentally dropped my document into the recycling bin icon, which was right next to the printer icon. Cussing under my breath, I opened her virtual recycling bin to restore my document.

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