Chapter 47: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

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A/N: My apologies if the last chapter shocked people (no pun intended). The previous chapter was the darkest chapter in this fic, including all the forthcoming chapters. So while there'll be lotsa angst, it won't be dark cuz this story isn't about triggering people. It's about raising awareness about the different types mindsets that people experience, such as guilt, internalized homophobia, and depression, and attempting to help heal those mindsets through the characters' journeys.

Anyway, this chapter has one of my favorite fluff pieces that I've ever written, so if you're ready and you know it, tap that VOTE! *tap tap tap*

Recap (Read in Ally Brooke's Reflection voice)

Previously on DYTL...

Don't bother reading this chapter till you've read the previous chapter cuz I ain't bout to explain what happened with Camren & Vercy.

Lauren is nice, but she's a proud person with a huge ego and normally doesn't ask for help about serious stuff (CH recurring)

Lucy's impossible bucket list (ie: be in 2 places at once, feel nothing, save a life, go back in time to fix a regret, resurrect the dead) & how Vero helped solve each one with a unique perspective and made Lucy believe that the impossible is possible if you change your perspective (CH...Vercy's entire fucking story).

Vero is triggered by the word 'airhead' cuz that's what people used to bully her with in elementary school & she stopped speaking to Lucy when Lucy called her that + Vero is very persistent and once left Lucy 700 messages over a week (CH 6)

Vercy was gonna go help kids in Asia (CH 46)

Squirtle Squad's hurt unit (CH 17 & 19)

Dinah still feels really guilty that she's kind of always a nervous wreck around Normani + Dinah freaked out when Normani stopped their New Year's kiss, saying that she wasn't ready to kiss yet + Dinah is scared of saying or doing the wrong thing in case Normani leaves her (CH 46)

Parallel: Normani used to practice in front of mirrors for hours just so she could have a conversation with Dinah (CH 41)

Dinah's POV when Don bought her wife red roses for their 'date': Idiot. Doesn't even know that her favorite flowers are sunflowers. I thought, clenching my fist. Then, another wave of guilt washed over me as I remembered that I'd never even bought my wife flowers. (CH 40).

Dinah stopped cheating on her wife after she asked for the divorce as a sign of respect cuz Normani knew about the cheating, so Dinah hasn't had sex in 6+ months (CH 38)

Parallel: The letter Normani wrote Dinah for their first marriage anniversary that she ended up throwing in the trash when Dinah asked for a divorce, but Dinah found it: However, if you're ready for us to take our first step beyond friendship, I would like to ask you out on our first official date. With my very first profit from Kordei LLP, I brought us two VIP tickets to go watch Beyoncé's concert. I remember the first time we met to discuss the wedding, we ended up bonding over our shared obsession with Beyoncé, so I think going to her concert would be the perfect first date for us. I know the concert is in January and its only July now and maybe if you're ready sooner we would've gone on many dates before this. But just in case you need more time, I thought January would be a good time to start. And even if you're not ready then, maybe we can still go as friends? (CH 38)

Camila interns for Mike Jauregui (CH 13)

Jay-Z cheated on Beyoncé (CH...Becky with the good hair)

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