Chapter 2

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We walked down to the waiting room. "Archie." Arch and I turned to Juggy. "Hey, were you not telling Sheriff Keller something?"  And I looked up at him expectingly.

"My dad told me that he and Mrs Lodge fired the Serpents on their crew. I know your dad vouches for them, but what if one was pissed off enough to do something?"

"Let me see what I can find out." Juggy said hugging Archie. I smiled at the two sadly.

"Thanks, bro." They let go of each other and Jug pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, Juggy." I whispered. He pulled away and nodded walking away.

"Archie and Freya?" We both turned around to see a doctor and a nurse. "I'm Steven Masters, I'm your father's doctor."

"How is our dad?" I asked him.

"Well, we got the bullet out and stopped the internal bleeding. But what's most worrisome is he's not breathing on his own yet."

"We need to see him." Archie told him.

"And you will. Soon as we've got him set in a room. Should be an hour or two at most."

"Until then, what am I to do? Nothing?"

"Maybe- maybe you should go home and get changed." That's when I noticed B and V and their mums standing behind us.

"No. I'm not leaving."

"Arch, you should go. There's nothing we can do here." I told him holding onto his hand.

"Veronica and Freya are right." Betty told him.

"Here are your dad's clothes and personal belongings. Everything he had on him." The nurse passed Archie the bag.

"Okay, you have another reason to go. You can get your dad a change of clothes. Veronica will go with you. Right, V?" Betty told him.

"We'll hold the first down here." Alice said. "Archie, Freya, try not to worry. Your dad is strong stock. Hes a fighter. Fred Andrew's isn't one to leave unfinished business behind."


Archie and Veronica left and I stayed behind here and promised Archie to call if anything changes. Reggie, Moose and some of the other Bulldogs are here. So are a lot of teachers and the principal and the Pussycats. I saw Kev and B talking so I walked over to them. "Hey, Frey." Moose said wrapping me in a hug.

"Hey, moose." I pulled away from him and looked around. "Thank you." I looked to Reggie. "All of you." I looked at the rest of them "For being here."

"Of course, Freya." Reggie said. "The Bulldogs and I are here for you and your Brother." The Bulldogs started talking to each other while Reggie looked down an me. "How is he?" I couldn't help but let the tears I've been holding in spill out. Reggie pulled me into a hug letting me cry on his chest.

"He can't breathe on his own Reg." I cried out through my tears quietly. I pulled away and Reggie wiped my tears away and I smiled sadly.

"Come on." He motioned away from the others and I nodded my head as he lead me by my waist to an empty room and locked the door. "I'm so sorry, Freya." He kissed me on my lips and pulled away.

"About last night-"

"And this morning." He said smirking, I playfully slapped his shoulder and blushed slightly.

"We shouldn't- we can't do this anymore." I told him motioning between us.

"What? Come on Freya." He backed me up against the wall and leant down to my ear. "We were having so much fun." He whispered in my ear and sent shivers down my spine. I groaned out and he moved away with a smirk. "I mean unless of course you really don't want to?" He asked me knowing he won.

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