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"... and that's why black women aren't supposed to have periods," I explained to Steph while we sat in her car during lunch.

"But I'm not black. Can changing my diet stop my period?" she asked and I laughed.

"What's so funny?" she lightly pushed me.

"You are black my queen."

She shook her head, "My dad is Vietnamese so I'm not fully black."

"Steph, you're still black though. Africa runs through your veins," I reached for her hand then kissed it.

"I know but Vietnam runs through my veins too. I'm not some regular black girl," Steph rolled her eyes.

I gently grabbed her chin, pulling her closer to me. I watched as her small almond shaped eyes darted around the car, avoiding contact with mine.

Me and Steph have been hanging out a lot lately and I'm really feeling her. The way she just listens to everything I say without trying to start an argument makes her beyond attractive. It's like she wants to learn and become enlightened.

"I have so much to teach you beautiful," I said before closing the space between us.

I took a moment to admire her smooth tan skin that began to turn a pale red as I ran my fingers through her straight her back hair.

"Be my girlfriend," I whispered then she crashed her lips on to mine.



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"So you don't like him?" I asked Shayla who was laying on my bed, with her long braids hanging off the side, while I sat at my desk.

She just finished telling me about the argument between her and Alice. When she brought up Joey, I began to wonder if she really does like him. I mean, they do have a lot in common, like wanting to overthrow the government. Then there's me, the guy who knows nothing about anything.

"Eww! Absolutely not," she sat up, "Joey is so irritating. That socially conscious stuff drives me crazy."

I raised an eyebrow, "But you're very conscious."

"I'm also ignorant as hell," we both laughed, "Joey likes to act like he knows everything. Let's stop talking about him before I break out in hives."

"Well..." I dragged out while scratching the back of my head, "Are you going to the dance next weekend?"

"I don't know. Me and the girls were gonna go together but I guess that's not happening. Alice hates me and Ravyn has been super distant."

"I was wondering," my heart rate began to speed up.

Snap out of it. You're Mal the MC, you don't get nervous. What would Nas do?

"Maybe we can go together? I mean if you want to of course," I rambled.

Shayla raised an eyebrow then giggled, "Together? Like as dates?" she asked.

"Or just friends," I said while staring at the light gray walls, avoiding eye contact.

"Then it's a date," she smiled which made my eyes widen and my jaw nearly crashes onto the floor.

Well that was easy.


Justice sat at her vanity, staring at herself as her lavender acrylic nails ran through her freshly unbraided her while Stephanie stood behind her, struggling to undo a braid.

The girls have been friends since ninth grade, bonding over their shared struggles of being two of the prettiest girls in school, with Justice simply being lightskin and Stephanie having that whole foreign look to her.

"Rashad asked me to be his girlfriend," Stephanie squealed, breaking the silence between the two.

Justice rolled her eyes and continued taking out the braids. To Justice, Rashad is definitely beneath Stephanie, considering all the basketball players and popular guys who throw themselves at her.

"Girl, what's wrong? You've had an attitude for the past few days."

"Andre has been ignoring me for longer than usual," she sighed.

"Maybe it's time for you to move on. Yall been on and off since ninth grade. It's getting old."

"How about you shut up?" Justice spat, "Andre is always going to be mine, He's just confused right now."

"Whatever," Stephanie mumbled.

Everyone at school knew Andre was off limits so Ravyn being all over him rubbed Justice the wrong way. Girls flirt with Andre all the time but he seemed to genuinely like her which drove Justice crazy. Sure, they're not together right now, but that doesn't mean he gets to do what he wants.

"She aint even that cute," Justice thought while coming up with a plan to get her man back.


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