Fuck we're both in heat

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(Neko x inu
Recommended by spookyeevee2

Perry Christensen = Neko
Horace Abbott = Inu)

Perry's POV:

"Horace? Hooorrace?!" I yell into the apartment before realizing I'm the only one here. "Where did..." I turn around in confusion and delirium. I get so confused when I go into heat.

Speaking of heat: GOD I FEEL LIKE IM DYING! It's so hot and stuffy and I'm so FUCKIN horny. This is torture!

Now if I could just find my suppressant pills! I know Horace bought them a week or two ago. But where did he set them? Why does he always have to accidentally hide things so well from me?!

I whine loudly and trudge off towards my room. I was planning on slamming the door and crawling into bed. But my nose betrays me, and I catch a wif of something on my way to my room. Sniffing the air I blindly follow the smell not bothering to take note of where I'm going. The scent becomes stronger and I inhale deeply before tripping and falling onto a soft surface.

Wait. Soft surface? Is this a bed?

I raise my head just enough to see I've landed myself on Horace's bed. I panic and start to move away, but the intoxicating smell invites me in and I obey. Snuggling under the covers of my roommates bed I mask myself in his heavenly smell as I take it in greedily and purr. Burying my face in one of his pillows I breath in and let out a soft moan of pleasure. Gripping the pillow tighter I repeat the action, but more extreme.

"Mmghhh~" my mouth opens as I shift and feel a boner growing beneath my sport shorts I used as pajamas. "Fuh~ hmm~" I whine in desperation as I move another pillow between my legs and squeeze my thighs around it. Rolling my hips downwards I groan, muffling the sound with the pillow in my hands. Starting to rut against the pillow I whine again and start to call out his name.

"Horace... Horace oh god. Horace!" I press my face against the pillow harder trying to quiet myself as I try and get off as fast as possible. Who knows when Horace could get back from whatever he was doing.

Horace's POV

Twirling my keys around my fingers I toss them into a small bowl on the counter.

And that's when the smell hits me. I take a step back as my pupils dilate to the size of dinner plates.

And then I hear the noises.

"Mmrace~ mmmorace~ ahh~"

My dog ears perk up and my tail wags in excitement. I can feel my chest swell with pride hearing some little sub calling out my name.

Wait that sub is my roommate and best friend, Perry!

Despite the heat coursing through my veins I silently creep up to my own room, the noises getting louder with each step. Looking through the doorway I see one of the most pleasing sights to ever be presented before my eyes.

My little Neko friend, rubbing himself up against my pillows searching for friction while moaning my name. The sights enough to make my cock harden within a matter of seconds. I lick my lips as I watch his flushed body obscured by the different pillows, sheets, and few articles of clothing he's wearing. The way his hips are grinding down onto the pillow between his thick thighs. The way his hands are digging into the pillow against his face. It's enough to make a man cum, but someone in heats bound to draw it out longer.

Waltzing in I come up from behind him and pull his clothed ass up against my covered dick.

Perry screams in shock but throws his head back as he whimpers. "Horace?! I- what are you?" Perry seemed surprised as his fluffy ears flatten to the side of his head in shame.

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