Jock and Punk

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Heyoooo, got this idea from -CallMeByYourName- who's apparently been reading my books forever. So thank you lol. Glad you can manage to stand my old shit. I love this idea they suggested tho, so imma write something for it UwU. This is short but very sweet)

Mickey Bowers POV

I'm going to die.

If I have to watch Patrick cutely fidget with his fingers one more time I swear to god I'm going to loose my mind. I don't understand how a guy like him could be so obliviously beautiful. I mean he'll get water thrown at his face and laugh it off as he pushes his hair back looking like a fucking sex god! Hell, one time a friend of his tossed him his bag and he completely missed it with the most shocked expression before bursting out into laughter. And I nearly collapsed to my knees from the love filling my heart.

I know that sounds cheesy. Especially since I'm a sporty jock and all, but I can't help it! Patrick is just so adorable. Which is not a word people typically pair with a grunge punk kid. But whatever man, Patrick's just living his best life with his cool friends. I'm doing the same, but I just wish our paths would naturally cross.

I'd been hoping that would happen for a long time now. A blossoming relationship between us being formed on the bases of a slow friendship.
But I'm getting sick of waiting. So I'm looking to shoot my shot. It's just a question of how.

The loud and obnoxious ringing of the bell cuts through my thoughts as kids quickly scurry out of the room to meet their friends for lunch. Getting up with my stuff I leave to do the same. Patrick having slipped out and disappeared into the crowd. But both our groups ate in the lunchroom so I know I'd get to see his cute face later.
Gosh his peachy skin with those faint freckles? Gah! And the way his light brown hair always seemed to be a perfect mess? I could admire him forever.
Seeing some of my friends already sitting I greet them with hearty hellos and plop on down beside them. These guys were like family to me. We were a good mix of races which is honestly refreshing. Back in elementary school I was the only black kid on the soccer team, which caused a little bit of a disconnect at times. Anyways, everyone dives into conversation as we dig into our food.

As I finish up the wrap I'd packed my gaze slowly moves across the room to Patrick. Him and his friends looked to be in a good mood as always. Smiling and talking closely with one another as the animatedly moved their bodies or changed facial expressions. I see Patrick stick his tongue out before grinning brightly and laughing. Leaning back from the table slightly as he howled with laughter.
"Mick. Earth to Mick," my good bud Kenny calls out to me and I quickly turn my head to face him with a loud hum.
He snorts. "Don't bite your lip and stare at me like that," he says lightheartedly and others at the table laugh.
Blushing red I chuckle and rub the back of my neck. "Sorry, I was uhh," trying to come up with an excuse Kenny cuts me off.
"Staring at somebody. That much was obvious," he says and I roll my eyes.
"Oh no, I've been caught," I say sarcastically before I see Sarah, an incredibly gifted soccer player on our team, slam her hand onto the table.
"Bet you won't go over there and deliver a cheesy pick up line," she says with a daring look and I sigh heavily.
"Please don't tell me this is your turn for the challenge game," I ask before hearing a devious cackle.
"But of course Mickey!" She declares and I put my head on the table.

Was I really going to do this? Yes, one cause it's part of the game. Two it's not that bad. And three it will actually get me to talk to Patrick. And if it works?! Holly shit I'm gonna be one happy duck.
Lifting my head I shrug my shoulders and smile lopsidedly. "Anyone got any ideas for a line?" I ask and everyone leans in and starts throwing out ideas.
"I'm no electrician, but I could light up your day," one buddy suggests.
"Are you a keyboard? Because you're just my type."
"Are you Netflix? Because I could watch you for hours."
"I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together."
"Was that an earthquake, or did you just rock my world?"
Thinking I come up with one and smile brightly. "I got it. I'll be back."

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