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"Nn... nnh come on," I whisper softly before cumming into my hand and biting down on my lip to quiet my moan.
"Oh yeah~" I smile blissful as I let the high feeling sink in before I hear one of my housemates shout for me.
"Neil! Neil you gotta see this!" He exclaims as I sigh and quickly clean up with a tissue, get dressed in some jeans and a shirt I tucked them into.

Leaving my room I walk out to the living room to see my grumpy roommates- Terry and Sven staring out the window with grins on their faces.
"The neighbors made a pillow fort," the Sven says and I smile dopily.
"I like pillow forts," I reply and Terry rolls his eyes.
"Yeah yeah but since one of them came downstairs, two of them keep bickering," he says. "Seems like the blue hood guy doesn't like red."
Curious I watch to see what they mean. Just in time to see the blue hooded one try and snatch something out of the red ones hands only to be smacked and sent reeling back.

My two roomies hiss and I frown. Seeing the blue one storm out of the room I grow worried.
"I'm gonna go check in on them," I say before slipping on some shoes and my roommates laugh.
"Good luck!"

Shutting the front door I walk to the sidewalk before rounding the fence and hopping up to the porch of my neighbors. Taking a deep breath I knock on the door.
It takes a moment but it opens and the green hooded neighbor, Larry stands by it.
"Can I help you?" He asks politely.
"Yeah I was just wondering if things are okay, not to pry but we could see the argument through the window," I say with a sweet smile.
Larry smiles back at me and waved a dismissive hand. "Oh it's alright. Grim and Jeff have a tendency to fight a lot. Ollie and I built a pillow fort and we got Grim to come in, but when Jeff tried to come in and read his... uhm-"
"IT'S CALLED HENTAI, AND IT'S ART!" I hear a voice shout from inside.

Larry shakes his head and chuckles. "When Jeff came in the fort to read hentai Grim got annoyed," Larry explains and I have to keep my face blank.
"Okay! I hope you all are alright. My roommates are laughing at you guys so you might wanna block the window somehow," I suggest and Larry nods.
"I'll be sure to do that, thanks Neil," he says and I beam. I honestly didn't think he'd remember my name!
"No prob! Tell everyone I say hi," I say with a little wave before going down the path and back to my house.

Once I was back in the safety of my room I sat on my bed and thought. I had no idea Jeff liked reading hentai! Hell I love hentai, especially gay hentai since... well it caters to my tastes better.
Swinging my legs I smile happily to myself before laying down and using my phone to go on my private tabs.
I'd have to find some way to talk to Jeff, cause there's sure as hell no way I can talk to Terry and Sven about my hentai!
And the fact I'm gay. Haven't told them that either.


When I saw three of my four neighbors leaving the house I got a big grin on my face and new it was time.
Once Larry, Ollie, and Grim had gotten in the car and drove off I quickly left my house and went to their door. Knocking on it I took some deep breathes as I clutched the straps of my backpack. It took a long while and I had to knock again. But the door swung open a moment later to reveal a grumpy looking Jeff with no hoodie on and an ahego shirt and sweats.
"What do you want?" He mumbles in clear annoyance. I must have interrupted him.
"I really hope this isn't a weird thing to say. But I can't talk to my roommates about this and I know yours are uncomfortable too. But I have hentai," I say with a meek smile.

Perking up Jeff stands up straight and puts his arm around my shoulders. "Why didn't you say so sooner? Come on in," he says grandly making me giggle as he pulls me into the house and shuts the door behind me.
Stepping out of my shoes I hold up my phone.
"I keep most of it on my phone since I can't afford to let my roommates see. But I did bring what physical stuff I have. My roomies think I'm some innocent flower soo," I trail off as Jeff nods.
"Totally get it. Hell you had me fooled," he grins toothily. "Now lets go to my room. My housemates will be gone for hours so we got the place to ourselves."

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