The Cheated

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(Felt like writing a sad one. If ya want a part two more details will be at the end of the chapter)

     "Baby I'm- home..." the cheery tone and happy smile dropped from my face when I walked into the living room to see my boyfriend fucking someone on our couch.

The other person noticed me immediately. "Oh my gawd," he blushed bright red and grabbed a blanket.
     "Hey don't cover up your gorgeous bod- ohhhh shiiit," my boyfriend says when he sees me stood frozen at the door. I felt my heart hammering in my chest as I started shaking despite the summer heat.

     "Babe look I-" my once loyal boyfriend stutters and I cut him off.
     "It's okay," I say as I try to smile but my bottom lip quivers instead. "I-fuck." getting choked up I quickly shuffle past the scene and down the hall into our room.
Closing the door softly I let out a shuddery breath as I look down and see my fingers twitching.
     "Shit," I sniffle and slide into bed under the covers.
     "I... I..." I mumble before hot tears start slipping out of my eyes as silent sobs wrack my body.

I couldn't find the strength to move. My body involuntarily shivering as my eyes closed and my fingers twitched.
Maybe if I just stayed in bed I'd wake up and find my loving boyfriend cuddling me and kissing away my worries. It was all just a bad dream right? It had to be...

Other person's POV:

     "Who the hell was that?" I asked frantically as I propped myself up on my elbows, Harvey still hovering over me.
     "Fricken- nobody. It's fine," he says shoving back in me and I pushed him back with a grunt.
     "He called you babe," I said before my eyes widened. "For the love of god don't tell me that's your boyfriend," I say and Harvey glances to the side.

He didn't say anything.

     "You weren't supposed to find out," he blurts out.
     "Find out!" I shout standing up and putting my boxers on. "He's your boyfriend! Why the hell are you cheating?!" I shout angrily as I shimmy back into my jeans. Harvey grips my ass and I whirl around and smack his hand.

     "Harvey! This is serious!" I huff.
     "Oh come onnn," he groans. "What's the big deal?"

     "Big de- have you no decency?!" I rage, steam nearly coming out of my ears. I growled and let out a heated sigh.
     "When you started your relationship did you establish that you would be with other people?" I asked in the calmest tone I could.
     "Well... no," Harvey says glancing away from me, clearly embarrassed.

     "Then why the HELL HAVE YOU BEEN HOOKING UP WITH ME?!" I ask smacking Harvey with my shirt.
     "Okay okay I fucked up!" He says putting his hands up defensively. "But he can't be too upset... can he?"
     "I dunno, he's not my boyfriend," I seethe angrily. "How long have you been dating?" I probe as I put my shirt on.
     "Uhm... heh well you see," Harvey says as he blushes. I slowly turn back around with a deep frown on my face.
     "Harvey I swear to gawd-"
     "2 years," he blurts out blushing bright red.

My heart stopped. I blinked as my brain tried to comprehend what was just said to me. Once I realized I screamed. "HARVEY YOU BASTARD!"
     "Jeezus Christ calm down," he says standing up and putting pants on.
     "Me? Calm down! Harvey you've been dating this boy for 2 years and you're fucking cheating on him! Who the hell raised you?!" I roared. "Gawd I hope he's okay," I mutter running my fingers through my hair.

     "Oohhh yeah... I might have just given him a panic attack..." Harvey says absentmindedly.
     "Wha-" I shove past Harvey and quickly dash to his bedroom. Opening the door I hear heavy breathing and quite squeaks. "Shit," I knew this all to well. This was a MAJOR panic attack just from the sounds alone. Stepping closer I gently peel back the blanket and the poor boy starts shaking all the more. Curling into a tiny ball as he bit his knuckles. I could see some deeper marks on his wrist from the constant nomming.

Placing the blanket back over him I quietly slip out. Harvey was outside the door.
     "So? What's going on? Why are you crying?" He asks and I finally notice the tears rolling down my cheeks. Wiping them away I sniff.
     "You're a fucking monster Harvey. Go get me a first aid kit," I growl and Harvey's eye's widen in surprise.
     "Wha- is he bleeding? What's wrong with him?" He asks as he follows me into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and filled it with cold water.
      "He's having a major panic attack you idiot! And it's all because of your stupid selfish actions!" I shout before hearing a shrill squeak.
      "Wanna know how you can be useful Harvey ?" I ask and Harry nods rapidly.
     "Yes! Gawd I didn't think I could ever cause Clyde so much pain," he rambles.
     "Leave the fucking house and go get his favorite snacks," I growl and he nods quickly.
     "O-Okay. P-please make sure he's okay Julius... I really didn't mean to hurt him," Harvey says finally realizing the severity of the situation.

     Rolling my eyes I wave him off. Picking up the water cup I go to the bedroom Clyde is in. I open the door and he's frantically kicking at the covers.
     "Hey hey," I call out softly and he squeaks and pushes himself off the bed. He hits the floor with a loud thump and whimpers.
     "Oh you poor baby," I says softly as I rush over to him. Setting the water cup on the nightstand. "Clyde?"
     Squeaking loudly he presses himself up against the mattress. His breaths coming out far to quick and shallow.
     "Wh-wh-wh," he couldn't get past the first word as he pulled the blanket down around himself. Shaking violently.
     "I'm here to help," I say softly as I reach out a hand to him. He whimpers and glances at my hand before looking into my eyes. He quickly looks away and whines. I see him try to stand up and shake all the more.
     "Careful. Take it slow," I say gently setting my hand on his waist. He flinched. "I'm just gonna help you back into bed," I say and he whines before leaning into me.
     Sighing softly I grab his legs and back and gracefully set him on the bed. Putting the covers up to his chest. He whines as I start to pull my arms away. "Don't go angel..." he starts crying and my heart aches for him.
     "I'm not going anywhere Clyde... I just need to clean your wrist okay?" I say and he starts sobbing.
      "D-don't Leave! Please don't leave!" He cries out as he gasps for breath.
     "I won't, I won't go anywhere," I say sitting down beside him and he throws himself into my arms. Clutching onto my shirt and crying.
     Rubbing his back softly he presses himself against me, a knowing sign that he wanted affection. One I knew all to well from my rougher periods.

     Once Clyde's breathing evened he looked up at me. His fluffy head of hair springing in all directions. His tear stained cheeks and chewed up bottom lip made me hold him closer.
     "Where'd Harvey go?" He whispers softly and my heart yearns to reverse the damage done to him.
     "I sent him out to get your favorite snacks," I said and Clyde nods a little before looking back at my chest.

     "Why?" He asks simply and I already knew the question he was going to ask.
     "I don't know... but I promise you I didn't know," I say and Clyde looks up at me.
     "Y-you didn't?" He whispers and I nod.
     "No. If I knew he had a boyfriend I would never have hooked up with him," I say and Clyde tears up again.
     "Do- do you know if he... if he was with anyone else?" He asks and I run my fingers through his hair. Clyde seemed to love that as he leaned into my hand.
      "Just me... we met a couple weeks ago," I say and Clyde sighs.
     "O-Okay... it must be because of me-"
     "Don't- don't you dare," I get choked up as I take a shaky breath. "There's not a universe in which this is your fault Clyde," I say and Clyde surprises me by wiping away the tear falling down my cheek.

     "Don't cry... please don't cry angel..." he says before pulling his hand back. "I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you angel- you- you just helped me and- what's- what's your name?" He stutters and I patiently smile.
     "Julius," I say and he stares into my eyes.
     "Julius..." he murmurs softly.

( if anyone wants a part two let me know, the next part would definitely be happier by the end. I was thinking of having it be a poly relationship by the end by the way)

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