The opposite

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'What do you want to know, Pablo?' I sighed.

'Are you sure you aren't dating Julian?'


'Who did you kiss?'


'Angie. You know I love you, I need to know what I am into.'

'German and I kissed.'


I was shocked and mad. How could he scream like that through the hall.

'Pablo. Are you out of your mind? Keep calm.' I walked away.

'Angie, sorry, but German! He will keep hurting you. You came here to forget about him.'

'You know he was here, didn't you? That was why mom was here and what you were talking about with Violetta?'

He looked to the ground. 'Angie. I can't let him hurt you again.'

'I know and it is very sweet but it is my life Pablo. I am sorry.'

We walked in and everyone was singing a song that they had been making for the show.

It sounded good.

'I love it, guys!' I came in clapping. I knew that Pablo was looking at me annoyingly. He is my best friend, and I know he loves me but he had to accept this.

Everyone was excited about the songs they made for the show, it was only a few days left until the show. Today was the final rehearsal for singing, later this day we would do everything on stage.

Camilla and Fransesca joined us while singing.

I gave them my last advice before the lesson ended.

I immediatley walked out of class, I knew Pablo would probably apologize but I wasn't in the mood.


'Hey Vilu!'



'I know something is wrong I can see it.'

'Just a little fight between me and Pablo.'

'I am sorry, Angie. Is he sad? Did I hurt him?'


It was Pablo but I cut him off.

'No Pablo.'

'I will leave.' Violetta said.

'Look, Angie. I know I shouldn't be mad. I only want the best for you even I am not the best for you. I am just afraid he will hurt you and I can't take it saying you like that again.'

'I know but it is different know, believe me, have some faith in me this time.'

'I do.'

Before I knew he kissed me, I froze. I couldn't reject him now, so I just let him.

'Angie!' A voice made Pablo stop. I knew that voice.

'I made you lunch.'

He walked away with pain in his eyes.

Pablo was still holding my waist. I waited for him to take his hands off me.

'Go on! Never forget that I love you.' He kissed my forehead and I run out of that Music Makers to the love of my life. I guess that this time I ruined things.  

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