Athena / Rido

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Height: 5'7
Weight: 120
Hair: black
Eyes: brown/ purple ( when she uses her power)
Special skills: can wield any bow, telepathy, teleportation, change any vampire to human, turn Vampires to ashes, good at many things but her own feelings.

Bio: This story starts after Athena left the Academy with Rido in tow and she took him far away for Fifteen years teaching him how to understand humanity. They become close friends but that's all they are and Rido has changed as well learning to love in a different way. Athena still has some left over feelings for Kaname and Zero but didn't want meddle into there already complicated love triangle with Yuki. A few months after she left the academy with Rido she didn't know she was pregnant with both vampires children . Rido stepped up as a friend helping raise the children with Athena and he knew he wouldn't get her love this way but at least he could be close to the woman who changed his life.


Height: 6'0
Weight: 140
Hair : original medium brown but changed black when turned human. ( cut his hair shorter to blend in with humans better)
Eyes: Blue ( Athena fixed his eyes)
Special skills: learned to cook like a professional chef, knows how to wield and craft swords, Makes a good teacher for history but he's Athena assistant.

Bio: Rido thought he was done for until Athena saved him at first he was reluctant about being a human and even hated it but she showed him the side of humanity he never knew. Over the period of time they were together he developed a bond with her and her children to she got pregnant from the guys he was saved from. He didn't think as a human he knew how to be a father to children but he learned to enjoy everything even the way children cried was beautiful to him. He become Athena's protective human friend and despite him wanting more from her heart he learned to respect she was wounded. Athena was his new light and with his new life would he be ready to face Kaname with the others again? Would they ever forgive him as Athena had? What will happen when the children met there real fathers?

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