Elimination ( part 2)

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Athena and Kaname along with the others finally beheaded the last of the Werewolves which left a bloody mess. Kaname walked up to the fallen Sorcerer and lifted him up by the throat against the tree choking him. All Zero, Zane and Aiden could do is watch as Kaname's rage started to let loose because he could smell Athena's back wound bleeding heavily. He didn't like showing his emotions but Athena was different and he loved her not because she understood him. He loved her because after everything that's happened he couldn't let her run away from him or let this feeling of warmth escape him again.

Zero knew about Athena and Kaname's closeness which he was actually okay with as long as he still had a place in Athena's life. After a few moments the Sorcerer disappeared into Dust and Athena collapsed on her knees because the pain was too much. Everyone gasped because they never seen her in that kind of pain before and her boys ran up to her body lifted her up taking her to an extra room laying her down. She winded up falling asleep for two weeks and in that time Kaname thought of the best way to confess his true feelings to her.

Athena woke up to see Kaname sitting in a chair near by but before she could speak he walked up to her  kissing her lips.  Athena smiled then Kaname kneed in front of her taking a small box out and she just had a shocked look on her face. Kaname looked Athena in the eyes then said:

" Athena , I love you not as just a woman but as a person and with everything I have put you through I don't want to lose you again. I was selfish not seeing the full picture and everything you did without thinking about yourself. I want you no I need you in my life so please Athena...Will you marry me?"

" Kaname, you're such a confusing vampire but I do love you too but not as a friend and I didn't want to admit because of Yuki but I realize now that I want you to be by my side . I know feelings are not easy for both of us but the truth is I love you and I would be happy to be your Wife ...Kaname I'm yours"

Kaname slid the tiny diamond ring on to her finger and they both cried silent tears before then kissed until the cast of the rain. Zero, Zane and Aiden along with the other congratulating them for being engaged . Kaname held Athena in his arms as they slept in the same room in peace because the next day would be chaos planning a wedding.

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