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It had been a day since Kaname and Athena returned to the academy but she had a feeling that she needed clarify what Zero means to her. She put on her cutest dress and went to find the tsundere Hunter which wasn't hard to find because he was looking for her. They ended bumping heads because they were running too fast not looking where they were going. They rubbed their heads before looking up at each other giving each other a cheesy smile.

Zero turned to Athena Taking her hand in his then lead her to a clear area that was stone steps towards a  empty ballroom. She smiled at him and he took her hand placed it up on him shoulder then took her hand in his . They began dancing which surprised Athena she didn't know he could dance like this so gracefully. Athena looked deep into Zero's eyes then spoke:

" Zero I think we need to clarify our relationship "

" Athena I'm a little confused but I realized that your not Yuki so I can't just let these feelings gone so please tell me what you truly feel for me"

" Zero, I love you but it's not the kind of love will make you wait for a future with me. You're a good friend and I want you to be by my side but even I can't be selfish so the truth is I accept you . I will always be there for you when you need but I care for you more then I could do anything else with you. "

" I understand you're a good friend too and I understood that this wasn't a real romantic love but a part of me will always care for you as you do me. I'm glad you accept me even if I made things difficult for you but your friendship is enough for me . I'm happy you came here and I want you to know I love you too my friend."

Zero and Athena give one  deep kiss while holding each close in there arms then they smiled as they left the ball room arm in arm. Zero knew from the beginning he did love her but it wasn't the kind of romantic love instead she was important to him and now he knew why. Athena knew Zero's heart was confused but this one of three kinds of love and this love was okay for both of them.

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