Athena surprises the twins

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Zane and Aiden were on the balcony of there manor when both Rido with their mother Athena call them down for dinner. Rido and Athena cooked tomato soup which is there favorite one of the few things the twins like in common. They look alike except there eyes which is the only thing they inherited from their fathers except the thirst. They are  seemed have there own vampire abilities such as the four elements (Earth, wind, fire and Water) But have a few traits from there fathers besides there eyes.

They were eating dinner when Athena spoke:

" Boys I know you wanted to meet  more of  our family for a long time but I wanted to wait until your were older. Now that your fourteen getting closer to your high school years I enrolled you in Cross academy were you will fit in perfectly with your abnormalities as half  vampire children."

" Wait... let my get this straight your sending us to school were we finally get to meet our grandfather Kaien Cross the greatest vampire Hunter."

" Mom...this is so awesome we finally get meet others like us and even get to go to school where you went that's great. Won't you two be lonely without us here?"

" You boys are almost adults I can't keep you here forever besides I think it's best to be around other members of your family. We won't be lonely we actually have some business to take care of  both in the town near the academy and a few other supernatural creatures who need our help"

" So you basically dropping us off at school so you don't have to worry about us while your on the road?"

" Well actually I was planning  for  you both going to the academy before I got requests from our people. It's high school so I want you to enjoy yourselves before you decide if you want be hunters or graduate making your decision on what you like for your future"

" I see ... when do we leave then"

" Two days from now we will be at Cross academy and everyone will be surprised to meet you both"

Zane and Aiden got up from there chairs then hugged there mother because this was one of there dreams they always had . They didn't know much about there family but they wanted to for the longest time wanted to meet their fathers and understand why they hadn't met them sooner.

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