Unease atmosphere

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Zane and Aiden were just finishing classes like usual but something in the air felt different and it's was because there mother's presence normal they can sense her less an a mile away but now it felt nonexistent. They also realized they couldn't feel there fathers Kaname powerful aura either and this was a little concerning. Zane went to go find Zero who just got back from another errand from the Hunter association and Aiden went to call Rido to see if he had heard anything lately.

Zero didn't know what happened but he also felt the usual low presences of both Kaname and Athena who seemed to be miles away from the academy. He knew Athena was supposed to be in town for a week but it only been four days since she came back and Kaname doesn't roam around all to often unless it had to do with some issues involving the council. Zero knew they both were very important people not just because of there status of immortality but because they were born leaders which made people listen to them.

Zero actually got to spend Time with his son Zane before he left on his Hunter mission before and Kaname did join them showing them interesting facts about vampires that not many people knew. Kaname was different understanding father then Zero and Zero was more inclined to not have himself filled with hate towards vampires as he use to.

Zero knew something was wrong as the time rolled by and there presences seemed weaker which was nearly impossible when your standing two feet away from them. He quickly got geared up and went down to talk a possible source who might have an idea about Athena's past regarding this situation. He met the person in a local pub and they turned out to be a regular informant for her over ten years before.

From what Zero heard both Athena and Kaname were taken by some secret society who were after Athena's blood but used Kaname as her weakness. It made sense why there auras seemed dull because as an immortal is farther away there scent isn't as strong but Zero also learned they use to be partners with the hunters association until they went too far. Zero got all the information he could and finished gearing up but he would have to find the building they were using by himself which meant looking in the archives.

Zero didn't want to worry the boys so he kind of lied to saying everything was going to be fine and left after that. Zero wouldn't Normally go to rescue Kaname but since the whole thing revolved around Athena he had to help regardless of his own emotions. He like Athena but it was difficult to understand how far that went without starting another love triangle leaving him in pain once again .

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