Yuki's betrayal

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Kaname and Yuki were in there room at the campus when suddenly Yuki gave Kaname a serious look. He looked at her face realizing something was wrong then asked:

" Kaname..I think we should end this"

" What are you talking about Yuki?"

" Kaname.. I know I love you but after everything that's happened over the years I realized I can't trust you and I know your heart still conflicted"

" Yuki I love you too but why do you have a sudden change of heart after so long?"

" Kaname I will always love  you but the truth is I love someone else and I didn't want to tell until I was sure"

"...What.. so were you  cheating on me ?"

" No it's nothing like that I just realized we are family and I don't think it's right when we both clearly don't feel the same anymore"

" I...fine I'm going for a walk talk to you later"

Kaname stormed out of the room and Yuki just laid there thinking about another vampire who was blond . Kaname went walking around in town but after a few hours it started to rain and his mind was so filled questions but somewhere along the way back he caught Yuki kissing Aido. He quickly got away from there and wound up on a familiar doorstep who invited him in.

Kaname didn't even made it two feet before he collapsed in there arms making them both fall over to the carpet. She just held him close and waited until he was ready to speak but it looked like he just wanted something different entirely. She lifted him up to her bed laying him down even though he was half asleep now but suddenly she got pulled on top of him. She sighed then just nuzzled her head on his chest which was bare because his clothes were wet. She had his clothes hanging up to dry but when she touched his skin she felt his warmth falling asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Kaname rolled them until they were side by side and held her  head close to his chest then smiled. Athena didn't know what happened to Kaname but she didn't want ruin this comfort she felt with him so they laid they until asleep for a long time.

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