Eternal Wedding

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Athena was getting ready with her white wedding dress while Kaname got a matching white tuxedo for the special wedding ceremony. For immortals the wedding vows are a little more bloody then traditional then just a mad and wife setting. Kaname was waiting at the alter as Athena descended the long pearl white stairs with light pink roses. Kaname couldn't help but smile when he saw her walking down the aisle towards him. Athena normally wasn't a feminine woman but she felt really beautiful wearing this white dress and then so held her hand towards Kaname.

Kaname held her hand in his and they looked towards the priest doing there vows which were a little different because the ending changed to all eternity instead of death do them part. They both were given special bracelets and a goblet to blood share together showing there bond to every one. Athena wasn't use to drinking blood but tolerated it because it was part of the tradition for vampire nobles. They finally kissed in front of everyone it was an epic kiss and everyone cheered already declaring Athena the new vampire Queen even though it was impossible because she couldn't be turned into one.

They lived out there eternity side by side guiding everyone and even though they didn't have any more children together they were happy together. Athena and Kaname were still immortals who could fight but it was there family that was always there for them. Zero became there best friend and informant for the latest battles to come but Athena did reward him with a kiss ever so often just so he knew he wasn't forgotten or lonely. Kaname didn't care too much about the kisses as long as didn't go further then that which it didn't. Yuki and Aido married with one little boy named Ren who was ice  vampire like his father but all in all everyone was happy working together.

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