Friendship flutters

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Rido and Athena were in there garden at a manor that was built into hills not far from a village in Ireland. This is where they have been for Fifteen years raising two boys  and between those fifteen years they had been best friends. They did try to be together but they realized it wasn't  meant  to be. Something different then what they were forcing on their hearts. Rido still loved her but she already had her heart still waiting on someone else who she didn't get a chance to see if they felt the same. She took Rido out to the garden to talk about their life and finally confronting their past together to bring the boys to the academy for school.

" Rido, you have been by my side for Fifteen years and at first you were really stubborn but I realized that I couldn't force you to understand humanity. After a few month you changed dramatically and even helped me raise my son's as your own which I'm grateful for. You remind me of a white Lily  filled with such a devotion and humility that makes me happy having here"

" Athena I know I haven't made things easy for you and the time we have spent here together has been very special to me. You changed my perspective in life and I know I still have feelings for you but I know your heart has always been somewhere else. You helped me realized what kind of person I am deep down without all the anger I use to harbor in my heart. You have been my saving grace and because of you we have lived a normal happy life but we have to face everyone once again. The others will probably still hate me but I don't care as long I can still be in your life and we can't hide from everyone forever"

" Rido we weren't hiding but you're right it's time to face the past and bring our family back together. I know I saved you but you also have been there for me and I would never have saved you if I didn't see this side of you in your eyes that day things would be very different. Aiden and Zane will finally get to meet everyone which will make me happy but Rido remember if everyone still hates you I'm still here for you"

They gathered the boys who they already enrolled in Cross academy and they announced they were accepted with tuition already paid by Athena's vast wealth. The next day they would meet the other members of there distance family and it was time to let everyone know Athena was still alive with a few surprises.

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