awkward Rescue

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Zero, Zane and Aiden found out were the facility where Kaname with Athena were being held. Zero was the first to scout the area but he had the boys  taking upper levels  which they used there magic to knock the scientists unconscious. Zero discovered the boys were following him but decided to let them help because they knew there mother better then he did. Zane quickly knocked out and disposed of most of the scientists while Aiden did the same. Zero just reached the Basement when he found an interesting site and coughed to see Athena dressed in a purple night gown with Kaname  in his normal black clothes. They were both sitting on a coffin and they turned to Zero almost surprised to see him.

Zero approached them then stopped because there was a strong smell of blood coming off Athena's barely covered body. There was an unnoticed cut on Athena's leg that was bleeding freely and Athena just waved Zero closer. Zero's eyes blazed red and Athena let the Hunter lick the blood off her bleeding leg. Zero's sanity kicked back in realizing what he did but Athena just waved it off and then Zero's picked her up as Kaname walked behind them.  Before Zero got there Athena and Kaname were talking about her daughter Eve the first woman Kaname loved. Athena knew she shouldn't have told him too much but felt like he needed to understand why she left him sacrificing herself for the greater good.

Athena didn't entirely agree with her daughter's choice to end her immortality but she also agree with Her cause for her view against pure blood vampires. They chose to see them as monsters because they didn't age and they became hated but the hunters were born to help even things out.  Zane and Aiden caught up with everyone then The labs of the building suddenly exploded shattering glass everywhere. Zero, Aiden, Zane , Kaname and Athena were already out of harms way back to the academy but what puzzled everyone was if those people will come back to go after Athena again.

Zero placed Athena down on Headmasters office chair and took out a medical kit cleaning up Athena legs which made her giggle. Zero didn't know what he felt for this woman but he did know one thing he would protect her like his parents protected him. Kaname was a little jealous of Zero taking Athena away from him but he pushed that feeling a way happy to be away from that dungeon and he knew one thing for sure he loved Athena maybe even then her daughter. Aiden and Zane spent the night sleeping with there mother a big queen size bed not wanting to leave her side just yet good thing it was the weekend. Headmaster was very confused what was going on with these vampires and Athena but let it go knowing it will work out some how.

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