Family drama

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The twins turned to see there fathers Kaname and Zero which eventually was going to happen. Aiden and Zane was about to say something when they spotted there mother wearing a black dress just walking out of  the office. Aiden ran up to his mother and Zane just groaned then went up to be by his  brother. Athena looked at her boys a little confused until she saw Zero and Kaname  then a big " oh" came from her mouth. She knew they would come across each other eventually but it looked like her boys were too keen on getting to know there fathers. She hands on both her sons then jokingly said:

" Are you boys starting trouble already?"

" What...ever do you mean mother?"

" Look boys I know your not too keen on talking to your fathers but you can't avoid them forever besides your both growing up so fast this might be there only chance to get to know you "

" I understand mother I just don't trust them and I don't want to see you get hurt again"

"Well you don't have to worry about that I think there's somethings I need to talk about with them"

" Okay but be careful mom"

Athena pulled her boys into a hug and then walks up to Zero and Kaname who were watching the whole into interaction. Kaname was the first to talk :

" Athena , Will you let me take out I want to properly apologize to you?"

" Kaname I told you before I don't blame you for what happened but we do have something to discuss and it's best to get things out in the open "

" Okay I will see you later tonight then"

Kaname walks way and Athena turns to Zero with a smile  but walks up to him then whispers :

" ... I hope your enjoying my favorite underwear ... I never thought you were perverted but at least you were honest this time about your feelings"

Zero had a shocked face then Athena patted Her boys on the shoulder before walking to the main gates to town. The boys turned to Zero with a look of confusion but then Zane looked at both of them then said :

" So Zero.. do you want to get to know your son better?"

"... of course but why the sudden change of heart.. your expression was a little reluctant earlier"

" Its just spending time ... besides we may not trust you but that doesn't mean  we can't try at least for our mothers sake"

" I see ...what did you have in mind?"

" Oh.. you will find out later tonight?"

" Um.. okay see you later then"

Zero walked off then Aiden turned to his brother then said:

" Zane what do you have planned for later?"

" Well Aiden .. do you remember what mother told us about Zero?... even though she didn't want to admit it her feelings for Zero are still there in her heart. I want to test his Hunter skills and I have to perfect idea"

Arch: Revival (Vampires love)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz