truth unraveled

22 4 2

Aiden just went to call Rido but he had to wait an hour to make sure he was awake because of time zones and such. Rido was getting down welding some more of his legendary swords when the house phone rang. He usually wasn't up this earlier in the morning but he had to finish some work for the local guards. He walked up to the phone the hallway of the manor and answered it.

" Hello, This Rido ..May I ask who's calling?"

" Hey Rido it's Aiden"

" Oh Hi Aiden what's wrong your voice sounds frustrated.. is your mother okay?"

" Well that's what I wanted to talk about.. it's been a few days since she came back for business that we haven't see her and Kaname ...I believe they are missing"

" Missing ... normally I don't like saying anything but I believe this is related . Your mother had some people trailing her about ten years ago first it was some pathetic society who was curious about your mother but later it become an obsession because of her blood. She didn't want you boys to worry about because she wanted to keep you both safe but it seems they caught her off guard . She must be in there facility where they conducted very bizarre experiments trying to figure out a way to cure vampires who have been turned or forcibly turn purebloods like Kaname and his friends just so they could get rid of them"

" Well that definitely explains out childhood in the Ireland country which wasn't too bad but she does have to protect people too much"

" Yes, that's true anyway I have to take of something.. I hope that helped"

" Yes thank you Rido well see you later for Christmas"

" of course talk to you later"

After Aiden got off the phone he went to grab his brother which they actually followed Zero because they knew he lied to them. Rido hung up the phone thinking to himself that he wished he was there to help. He wasn't the powerful immortal he use to be but Athena was his best friend and if they were after her for her blood which meant one of two things. One they planned to drain her of a majority of her blood putting her a comatose state to keep her as an endless source or two they planned to use Kaname against her sacrificing herself to free him making her their eternal prisoner.

Arch: Revival (Vampires love)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora