Chapter 9- Revenge is Sweet

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Brent's P.O.V

Kae and I had an awesome plan to get back at Jack. I need to tell her why I was jealous about her and Jack, but I don't think now is the right time...

Katie's P.O.V

Our plan is full-proof. To make sure they were together, we asked Johnson. He said (since he lives with Jack) he saw Gilinsky with another girl, that wasn't me. So he said he was in with whatever we were doing to get revenge. He said he checked Gilinskys phone and sure enough, they had a date. Tonight. How convenient.

The Girl Jack is 'dating' 's P.O.V

I don't even like Jack. Well, I mean he's hot, but that's not the reason why I'm dating him. I'm doing it to hurt Katie. Jack doesn't know yet, but I don't plan on telling him soon.

Jack G's P.O.V

I feel really bad doing this to Katie. But this girl, doesn't mind if I touch her, or make out with her in public. She enjoys it. But Katie, she doesn't. She feels uncomfortable. I plan on breaking up with Katie in a week.

Brent's P.O.V

When I saw Jack with that girl, I didn't want to tell Katie but. She dressed like such a slut. She had a crop top on that looked like a rag, hardly covering her. Her shorts were so short, half her ass was hanging out. I wasn't perving, I'm not that sorta person.

Katie's P.O.V

Our plan was to confront Gilinsky. I would walk up to him, lean up and kiss him in front of her. Then I would ask who she was. After that, I will say oh and slap him across the face and say,"we are done" and walk away from him and kiss Brent, to show I didn't care about him. Perfect. And before you get any ideas, Nash came up with the kiss idea. I thought it was good for him to get a taste of his own medicine. All we had to do now was prepare. And wait. Patience is the key to success.

*8 Hours Later*

Their date was at 7pm. It was about an 1 hour till our plan was into action. I was getting prepared. I took a shower and dried everything off. I put on my 'I don't give a frick' crop top and my tie-dye leggings. I straightened my hair and applied some mascara and lipgloss. I grabbed my iPhone, putting money into the case, and closed it up. I walked down the stairs to see everyone waiting.

"Oohh! Nice" Ashleigh said coming up to me and examining my outfit.

"Perfect way to make him jealous" Livy said.

Brent walked over to me."You look gorgeous." I smiled.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." He was wearing a navy blue Vans shirt, khakis and a SnapBack.

"So where exactly are we going" I said walking over to the couch, where everyone sat.

"That fair down the road." Nash said looking at a piece of paper.

I cursed under my breath. Jack took me there for our first date. He's so gonna pay.

"Okay. Let's go!" We were taking two cars. Me, Brent, Nash and Ashleigh in one car. And Livy, Hayes, Johnson and Cam in the other.

We set off and showed up outside the fair. I saw Gilinsky and that girl walk into the fair. I saw her face. I didn't believe it.

"B-Brent" I said looking at Brent. He had the exact same expression in his face.

"It's-" I whispered.

"Madison" he finished my sentence.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Madison was dating Jack. (Madison is Brent's (slutty) ex that photo shopped that pic).

This made everything a little more sweet.

Brent's P.O.V

I couldn't believe my eyes. The chick that Gilinsky was dating, as well as Katie, was my ex. Madison. How did he not recognise her. He probably wouldn't, since I dated her when I didn't know much about MagCon.

Now kissing Katie is going to make it even better.

All of us walked behind them. Making sure to to be seen. Katie walked a bit infront of us. We waited till they stopped. There was our chance.

Katie approached them.

Katie's P.O.V

I walked over to Jack.

"Hey babe! Who's this?" I said leaning up and kissing him.

"Um hi! This is um- uhh. Madison. Madison this is Katie. Katie this is-" I cut him off.

"Oh we've met. How's your slutty life been, Mads?" I said looking at her.

"Great, now that I'm dating Jack" Jacks eyes widened. He knew what happened next.

"Wow! Small world! I am too! Well, not anymore!" I said smiling.

"We are through" I slapped him across the face. "Have a nice life". I walked over to Brent, the others no where to be seen. Since it was Madison he was dating as well as me, I decided to do something more.

I felt Jack looking at me. I leaned up at kissed Brent, not just a peck on the lips, like a real kiss. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him for a bit longer then pulled away. I didn't turn around, but I knew Jack was watching me. I smiled to myself. There was something in that kiss that made me, just, feel amazing. I felt like fireworks were exploding everywhere. I felt a spark of electricity I've never felt with anyone, not Jack. Not no one. I wondered if I like Brent. More than a friend. He probably won't like me, so I'll just try to ignore them.

I looked up at Brent. He just had a stunned look on his face.

"That was a good kiss! It seemed almost real!" I said smiling. He lost his smile.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Let's go back." He said walking. To the guys and girls. They were just speechless. Finally someone spoke up.

"That was some kiss, guys" Cam said smirking.

"Yeah, I didn't think you guys were that good of an actor!" Ashleigh said smirking as well.

"Well what can I say? Jack dating Madison made me feel angry, so I put hate into my acting!" I said trying to hide the fact at I wish it wasn't acting.

*Night Time*

Brent's P.O.V

That kiss was. Magical. That sounds cheesy. I knew I wish it was real, I think Katie might of too. I don't know, I'll have to talk to her later. Just not now. I need to think about all of this.

Jacks P.O.V

I knew that would happen. But what happened after, I REALLY wasn't expecting. Madison broke up with me saying she only went out with me to make Katie angry. But it didn't work. She got pissed and said we were through. It broke my heart. Not her breaking up with me, but her using me. I actually liked her. But now, I hate her more than anything, and I hope Katie and everyone else can forgive me.



Hey guys!

I guess you weren't expecting Madison to come back! (Or were you?)

I don't know why, but I always update late at night or early in the morning. It's when everything is quiet, I suppose

I won't update for the next few days, possibly.

I going for a sleepover on Thursday till Friday. Then I'm out the whole day with a bunch of friends. Then Friday night I'm going to watch a a rugby game. On Saturday and Sunday I'm having another sleepover and on Monday I have a birthday party. I will have time to write in between, but I won't update till late at night or early in the morning.

Sorry guys!

Stay Frantastic! 💕✨👊

And Remember. Revenge is sweet.

Bye beautiful's 💕

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