Chapter 21- Hanging At The Grier's

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Hayes' P.O.V

I yawned, and looked over to see there was no one there. I turned to see Brent, still sleeping, like any normal teenager.

"BRENT!" I yelled throwing the closed thing to me at him. That just happened to be a bag of sour patch kids.

"OW WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT HAYES ITS FUCKING 9 IN THE MORNING" Brent yelled. I've learned that Brent isn't a morning person, so be a safe distance away from him to avoid getting 'killed'.

"Where are the girls?"

"I dunno" thanks for the help, Brent. I looked around to see a note on my phone. The one place where I'll find it.

It said:

Hey guys!

Me and Livy went to Nash's Place with Cam.

We decided to leave you sleep, or you'll be pissed with us

Meet us there whenever

See ya soon xxx (By soon I mean like, 12ish buy the time you guys decide to get your lazy ass up)

They chose the right thing. If they woke us up, World War III would start. Not literally but ya know what I mean.

I got some clothes out and went into the bathroom. I showered, dried off and put my shirt and shorts on. I shook my hair with the towel then left it. I walked out to see Brent still sleeping.

"BRENT" I went and hit him with his pillow.


"The girls are at Nash's. They said to meet them there" Brent sat up, grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom. Wow. He got persuaded quickly.

*20 minutes later*

Katie's P.O.V

"Oh. My. Gosh. So he actually did that?" Nash said in between breaths.

"Yeah! He was trying to pass it to me then the teacher walked past and grabbed it! She read it in front of everyone!" We were laughing when this weird as guy who likes me at school tried to pass me a note that said some pretty weird, disgusting things.

"And he never bothered me again" we all held our stomachs from laughing so hard. We heard the door slam shut.

"Guys! You're early" I looked at the time on my phone. 10:26am. Huh, early for them.

"Yeah. Well, Hayes here decided it would be good to wake me up at 9" Brent said sarcastically.

"Well, I'm hungry" Hayes rubbed his stomach.

"We literally just ate" Brent looked at Hayes

"Oh yeah..." He trailed off

"You're worse than Brent!" I laughed.

"But WE haven't eaten in ages, so wanna go to the ice cream place?" Nash asked. We all looked at each other.

"Get the boards" I said and we all ran to our boards and rushed out the door. I laughed at how we all knew exactly what the other was gonna do, before they even think about it.

We were riding there, slowly. Brent slipped his hand into mine. I looked up at him and smiled.

We arrived there in 10 minutes flat. We walked in, and grabbed a container. I filled it half with cookie-dough ice cream, and put heaps of toppings on it.

"You love your toppings, don't ya?" Brent looked down at my container and laughed.

"Well, of course I do!" I giggled. I put my ice cream on the scales. $8.49. Okay. I grabbed a $10 note from out of my purse, and went to give it to the lady, to see Brent had already payed. For both of us.

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