Chapter 24- Ugh. School

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Katie's P.O.V

I woke up by my blaring noise of my alarm. Ugh. School today. I looked over to see Brent had slept through every single alarm I set. Damn this boy is a deep sleeper. I groaned and got up.

"BRENT WAKE THE FUCK UP WE HAVE SCHOOL" I yelled shaking his shoulders.

"WHAT DO YA WANT" He hit me with his pillow.


"UGH FINE" he groaned, throwing the covers back and standing next to me. I giggled.

"What you giggling bout?"

"Your hair" I laughed.

"Your hair" he laughed.

"Not funny bro"

"So it's funny when you do it but it's not when I do it?"

"Yes! Don't make fun of a girls hair"

"Fine!" He held his hands up in defeat. The feeling of victory.

"What are we having for breakfast?"

"I don't know, I'll probably have some toast" I shrugged.

"Okay, I'll have some cereal" we went down the stairs and I put my toast on while Brent grabbed his cereal. I waited till it popped up, and spread some butter, then Nutella over it and took a bite. Nutella never disappoints.

I finished my toast, wiped my face from all the crumbs and Nutella, then walked up the stairs, leaving Brent to finish his breakfast. I heard footsteps and before I knew it, Brent lifted my over his shoulder and was running up the stairs.

"Dude! What the hell. But I'm not complaining, because now I don't have to walk" he carried me up into our room, and set me down on my bed.

"I'm in the bathroom!" I grabbed my clothes I set out the night before and rushed into the bathroom. I heard Brent laugh.

I showered and dried off. I slipped my 'ugh school' muscle tee on with my white skinny jeans because it wasn't warm enough to wear shorts (but it was warm enough to wear a singlet. JUDGE ME). I dried my hair, brushed it, and french-braided it. I put on some nude lipstick and mascara. I grabbed my clothes and walked out if the bathroom to see Brent changed, and on his phone. Typical.

"Dude, are ya ready?" He looked up.

"Yup, and you look beautiful" he winked. This boy...

"Why thank you" I giggled.

"You just like when I wear a singlets or crop tops, right?"

"No... Maybe" he smirked.

"Well I'm not wearing leggings for that exact reason. You teenage boys and your needs" I shook my head, smiling.

I turned and went to grab my bag but I was scooped up into Brent's arms.

"I need to get my bag!" I whined.

"Can't you give me a hug?" He pouted.

"Fine, lover boy" I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Now will you let me go?" He chuckled and set me down.

I walked over and grabbed my neon orange jansport bag, and shoved all the stuff I needed. I had most of my books in my locker at school, so my bag was basically empty. I had packed my own lunch, and Brent's, the night before, so I didn't have to now.

I looked at the time. 7:45am. School starts at 8:30am so we should leave soon.

"We gotta go now babe" I told Brent as I swung my bag onto my back.

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