Chapter 1

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Pipers Pov:

I was currently in my office reading over reports from spies in the other territories when a knock was on the door

"Yeah?" I questioned
"Ah so you are here, you workaholic"  Ace said. We both laughed

She was my sister and my best friend

She handed me a file and sighed, pulling a rolling chair in the room next to me

Rogues in the Black Bloods territory, always watching. I swear one week they are here the next they are confusing" she said mumbling the last part

"They ain't doing shit leave them be" I responded
"If they do, we kill them?" She questioned and I nodded
"Of course" I replied and we high fived

Suddenly we got a mindlink from the beta

'Little pri- oh um, the Crystal Water pack is under attack from the Red Knights and is requesting assistance, should we engage?' Rods, our beat mind linked us

I looked over at Ace and she shrugged

"I'm always up for a bloodbath" she said and I nodded in approval

'Yeah get half our warriors, we'll be out in 5 minutes' I mind-linked him before cutting the link


"As you guys know, we'll be fighting The Red Knights this time around. We are quite strong and I have hopes that we will succeed in this battle. Remember what you are fighting for" she paused "anything you want to add?" She asked me

"Remember how we trained you, and remember how the Knights work. They use any means necessary to win." I said sternly

The warriors replied with a stern yes alphas before shifting into their many forms and took position

"If we leave now our ETA is 2:30 a.m" I told Ace. She looked down at her phone and noticed it said 1:45 a.m
"Let us get a move on then" she said pointing into the direction

She soon stripped not caring to be naked, us werewolves never cared. Her blue shades wolf reflected the moons light. Any wolf would be in awe of it

She gave me and look and I nodded. Stripping, I gently placed her and i's clothing and phone behind a tree before shifting into my dark shaded pinkish-red wolf

Our wolves were unique, probably because we were twins, just fraternal. (The ones that do not look a like)

After we shifted we trotted up to the front of the pack. The all bowed. Ace and I howled singling it was time to get a move on

This could be considered our warriors bonding time, we will be running for an hour so why not enjoy it

Some warriors messed around with their mates earning growls from us

'Keep yourselves together, if you can't control yourselves and be serious turn back now!' Ace said sternly into the mind link

I looked at her and smiled, low growls came from her in annoyance

We got to the fight seemingly in the nick of time

I howled and we all rushed


In battle I saw Ace look around, sniffing the air, before shaking her head

She was distracted over and over again

In the end, we barely won that fight. We had 8 casualties and 5 injuries. It could have been worse.

"You seemed a little distracted back okay?" I questioned

Ace huffed before looking at me. She rolled the office chair over and sighed. The window was pushed open and she huffed silently to herself

"I smelt something"
"Like what?" I asked
"I don't was good. Real good" she said with a sigh, rubbing her temples; Accidentally smearing blood on her forehead
"Probably was nothing. Don't let it get to you. Keep in mind we were near a human bakery" I said trying to reassure her
"Yeah" she paused "probably"

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