Chapter 37

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Pipers pov:

I've been on the phone with Ty a few times. But I've never seen him in person

Let me tell ya

Keenan is better but...this man...hello there daddy

My wolf growled in my head

'I know you're thinking the same so shush' I tease at her

She pouted before going to the back of my mind

Soon Ace came walking in with a frown

"Excuse me for a minute I just need a word with my sister" I gave her a confused look as she dragged me away to the dinning hall

"What's wrong?" I question
She gave me a sad and unsure look "Sam. He's Michaels mate and when he saw him he ran away"

I gave her an 'oh' face

"He's recovering from the loss of his mate and his mates a boy. So I think it just startled him"
"He, he's transgender. Ty gave him money for his top surgery"
"Do you think he knows?" I ask
"He might" I groaned in response This was not good

"Can you talk to him? He likes you better" she said nudging my shoulder. It slightly ached still. I groaned and huffed away to find Michael

I walked towards his room and knocked on the door. I heard the shower so I sat on his bed and waited

He came out with a towel wrapped around his lower area

He saw me and gave a wide eyed look

"Michael I need to talk to you"
"Alright let me get dressed at least" he said before grabbing boxers and a black t shirt then walking into the bathroom

He came out all dressed. He was slightly damp so his muscles were even more shiny in the light

"I know your mate is Sam" I said. He growled before laying back on his bed "Why'd you run away from him?"
"He...I'm not attracted to men! Never have been" He paused "Plus I can smell he was a she" he mumbled
"First, he was always a he just in a girls body, second Does that matter? Your mate is so young. He needs you. Don't you want to protect your mate, your second chance!"?
"Of course I do. Just, I still miss my first mate okay? It's a little weird finding out your mates with a boy after you thought you were straight your whole life" he said sighing loudly
"Well, I'm not going to force you to accept him. Just know if he does we're getting a pool and Sam will be able to show you his tail" I said. For some reason Michael laughed at that
"You think he would show me at the lake if I asked?" He said sitting up with a smile. I gave him a smile and nodded

He jumped up excitedly

"Just...Michael he's a little shy!" I warned him as he ran out the room. I heard a crash and ran out to see him on the floor along with Sam

He helped him up and smiled. I saw Sam blushing and looking down at the floor uncomfortably

"Ace come upstairs...Michael and Sam moment happening!" I notified her. Soon I herd her running up the stairs and eventually she was by my side watching the scene unfold

"Listen I'm sorry about before. Just a shock you know to see my mate?" He paused, gently pushing his chin up to face him "I'm Michael, and I do say you have pretty eyes"

That made Sam blushed and Ace and I awed

They gave us a weird look before continuing

"T-thanks...I'm Sam" he said with a slight smile

I think I saw Michaels heart melt when he heard his voice

Sam looked back at us before looking at Michael

"So you're a merman huh?" He questioned. Sam shyly nodded giving him a smile. "Amazing. You think you can let me see sometime?" He said happily
"As long as I can see your wolf" he said giving him a second of eye contact. Michael put out his hand to shake but when Sam reached in he grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug

I saw Sam flinch before he hugged him back happily

"I thought fish people smelled bad. You smell amazing" he mumbled into his shoulder. He was at least a foot taller, though I don't think he minded Michael liked being the 'alpha' in the relationship

I smiled at Ace who smiled back

"I don't think it just merfolk that can smell fishy" she mumbled

I coughed out a laughter

Her and I soon heard footsteps and turned to see Ty. He smiled before looking past us and seeing Sam hugging another male

He glared, stomping up the stairs and yanking Sam away

"Sam! Who is this?" He questioned, glaring at Michael who awkwardly looked into his mates eyes

Sam seemed too embarrassed to speak

"Hi sir, I'm Michael. It's nice to meet you" He said putting out his hand to shake. Ty looked at it and cautiously shook it
"Sam, who is he to you?" He said glaring at Michael. Michael went to speak but Sam cut him off walking over to Michael and grabbing his hand
"D-dad Michael is my m-mate" he mumbled clutching his mates hand.

Oh shoot. Grab your popcorn this is gettin' good

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