Chapter 29

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It's kinda hard for me to write fighting and intimate scenes. Thankfully this is just fighting...
I'll try to be more descriptive next time I write a chapter like this (it was my first time actually)

Pipers pov:

I felt pain run through my body. Was it from the burns...yes. Was it from my mate...yes. The sad part was the main pain was from the pack members lives being taken by the cruel Red Knights...

I felt a tinge in the pack bond and I felt Michaels life be ripped away. I whimpered quietly to myself while I was trying to catch my breath

I breathed heavily but soon it was calmed. I stretched my back and peered around to see the fire was going out, but the fighting wasn't stopping

I felt an arrow hit my shoulder and I cried out in pain. I turned to see and archer but a sword was thrown at his head. I smiled at Maya who nodded before running off

I have an arrow in my am I gonna get that out?

I sent a link out to one of our pack members who came and took it out. She addressed some small burns before running back inside guided by one of the available warriors

I groaned walking around the tree in pain. I hate them so much

I ran out and tackled a brownish male. His back legs clawed at my stomach causing me to hiss in pain. I bit down on his next and broke the artery leaving him to bleed to death

I was then tackled by an angry red she-wolf

"You...You monster! YOU KILLED MY MATE!" She said before claiming her jaw into my shoulder. I used my hind legs and pushed her off "How dare you kill Michael when I had just found him"! She growled out before charging at me

Wait what....

Her fighting stance was weak and she wasn't fighting smart. She was fighting with pure rage and that's why she's going to lose

I dodged her attack before spinning around to trip her to the ground

I jumped on top of her and went to clamp my jaw around her neck when a grey wolf knocked me off and slammed me into a tree

I looked up in a daze to see Ace attacking the wolf soon ending it

I smiled and her and she smiled back before getting thrown over to the side by a huge black wolf


He stalked over to her and stood proudly over Ace. He toppled over her as an alpha night wolf male....

"Keenan! No! Stop" I cried out limping over. My shoulder was killing me

I saw a hint of concern in his eyes when he looked at me but it was easily hidden

He growled before looking at Ace. She was struggling to breathe...his paws pressed against her chest.

I growled and charged at him slamming him to the floor. He caught it off guard...good

"Oh look, the mighty she wolf protecting her sister, how quaint" he said in a cocky tone before snapping his jaws in the air

I noticed in the trees there was an arrow aimed at me

"If you want me come and get me" I said. I put myself in a fighting position. He growled to himself before charging at me. I slid to the side as he did...the arrow flew through the air and hit him in the shoulder

He cried in pain...Now was my chance. I then knocked him to the ground and stood over him growling. He went to kick me but I pressed my legs on top of his

I didn't want to do this, Hell it was killing me, but right now he's the enemy and family comes first. I won't make the same mistake twice

I went to bite his shoulder when a strong dark brown wolf knocked me off

It was Stephan

I heard a snap in my shoulder and I cried out in pain. I attempted to get up but the pain washed over me too fast

He stalked over to me. His face covered in blood

"Naughty wolf. You should have died along with the rest of your family" he teased before jumping on top of me.

My right shoulder hit the ground hard and I howled in pain

I saw the moon and how beautiful it looked. This wasn't a bad way to die

To my left I saw Ace. She was alive and slowly stammering to her feet. Michaels mate was gone...thankfully

I looked up to see Stephan wrapping his jaw around my neck

He pressed his canines along my skin until he slowly punctured it

I cried kicking my legs at him. But that was all the energy I had left today

I tilted my neck to the side as I felt a wave of tired take over me

He pressed his canines hard but soon stopped when a growl was heard through out the whole forest

"Get.Off.Of.Her" Keenan growled. His eyes were slowly starting to glow. I felt relief and shock wash over me. He had saved my life and he...he protected me

Stephan stammered off of me, glaring at Keenan. When he was punched in the face he then whimpered an apology, then running off into the woods

Soon Ace was at my side. I shifted back, my wolf has had enough fighting for today

I looked to see a sad Keenan. That's a new emotion

He gave me a sad look. I smiled slightly causing him to turn his head. He soon howled in retreat and ran off along with the rest of his pack

Ace gave me a Wolfy smile and I used my left arm to pet her wolf

I saw Maya in the distance and suddenly I didn't feel the need in the moment to protect my sister. She has someone

And suddenly I knew that dying was okay because she'd be safe. She'd be a good leader of the pack too

That's all I care about

I knew I'd be up and walking by tomorrow, but for now this is as close to death I'd like to be

I smiled at her before sticking my tongue out. She did the same and licked my face. I let out a pained chuckled

We had lost lives today. We had lost our territory and part of the pack house. Today will be a pained day to remember

I felt my eyes get heavy before I blacked out

I would never kill off a main character :)

Technically it was a joint decision to kill off Michael but Ace(dakota) was the one who ended it. But she had reasoning.

How do you think Piper will react when she finds out not only did Michael start the fire and let the Red Knights in, but that her own sister killed off someone she was so close with?

Even though I'm supposed to hate him I deadass feel said af because I just loved him and his personality

And who wouldn't do something their mate asked ya know? He was desperate as shit too...

Fuck this is a lot, um bye! Hope you enjoyed

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