Chapter 36

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Ace's pov:

My blood was boiling, literally.

That man dare threaten the life of my mate's mother!!

He asks me to give up my mate? He must be delusional!

"Babe, calm down" she insisted, grabbing my arms
"How can I calm down!!" I growled, not at her but at the situation
"Well don't burn our office!"

I look to my hand to see it on fire, oh.
I quickly put it out.

"Sorry" I mumbled
"It's fine babe"

I pull her into my arms and kiss the top her head.

"I'm so sorry love"
"Honestly Ace, it's ok, I never really knew my mom, Keenan though, he is quite attached to her"

I sigh, holder her close.

"But, he wants to take you from me" I said sadly, rubbing my hand up and down her back
"And I know you won't let him" she said, assuring me everything was gonna be okay without having to say so

She looks up at me and kisses my lips softly.

"You know, I've been thinking" she said with a devious smirk
"hmm, that's dangerous" she laughed
"I want an engagement ring"

I let out a soft chuckle and nod.

"We'll go get one tomorrow, I think we could use a shopping day"
"Yay!!" She cheered

She scurries out of our office to assumingly find Ross.

Soon there's a soft knock on the door.

"Come in"

Zac walks in.

"Let me quess, someone's at the border wanting to talk" I tease.
"Actually, someones at the gate asking for entrance"


"Who?" I ask
"The Fiji clan" I laugh silently as Dakota says Fiji water
"Merfolk? Let them in" I say

Zac nods and walks out.

Well, time to meet the merfolk.

Maya is standing on the porch staring at someone.

I follow her gaze to see a large tan buff man with long black hair and lots of tattoos. (Picture aquaman aka daddy)
He was wearing a white button up that was really tight on his arms...holy fuck, and nice black dress pants.

' see him right? He's real right?' She gulps through mindlink
'I'd growl at that but I agree' i stated
'I have never question my sexuality till now...' she chipped at me

The man looked Maya and I up and down.

His eyes darken a little before he lets out a chuckle.

"Why hello Alpha, Luna, I'm Ty, king of the fiji clan"
"Hello King Ty" I said nodding my head
"Hello Sir" Maya said

I pull Maya to my side.

"May I ask why you're here"
"We're here to fight along side you, dear" he said with a smile, looking off behind us at the house
"Come in then"

Soon we're all sitting in the kitchen eating cupcakes and talking.

I notice a smaller merman that had soft brown hair and pretty green eyes.
He was a very handsom boy, only looked around 16.

"May I ask your name?"
"S-sam" he responds quietly, not making much eye contact. Just like Pips
"Lovely name, may I just say you are a very handsome young man"
"T-thank you miss" he blushes.

Such a sweet kid.

Maya: 'awww can we adopt him???'

Soon Piper and Michael's scents fill the house.

"ACE! ZAC SAID SOMEONE WAS HERE, WHO IS IT"  Piper walks in the kitchen and her gaze lands on the mermen, her mouth opens a little in an 'oh' shape.

"Ah hello Alpha Piper, how are you" he questions with a devious smirk
"Oh um...hello King Ty. I am good..." she says awkwardly, a tad bit embarrassed. I laugh

Michael walks in and his gaze instantly lands on Sam.

I hear him curse under his breath before running out.

"...oh" Sam mumbles
"You ok Sammy?" I ask
"" he gulps. He runs out of the room, assumingly to his temporary room we showed him.

I excuse myself and follow him.

I softly knock on the door and I hear a small 'come in'.

Opening the door, I see a crying Sam sitting on the bed.

I close the door and sit down next to him.

"What's wrong hun" I ask, giving him a soft smile
"A lot" he replied, looking down at his pale hands
"Start from the beginning" I insisted
" start, I'm trans and my parents disowned me so Ty took me in when I was 14, and it's been great, he even paid for my top surgery. But in the kitchen, when that guy came in, he's my mate I think, and he ran away when he first saw me..." he whimpers.

I softly wrap my arms around his small frame.

Michael is his mate? Poor kid.

"Give him time hun, you're his second chance mate and he just lost his first"
Oh..thanks for listening Alpha" he smiled, glancing up at me
"No problem kid" I leave him to clean up after crying and I walk to the kitchen.

I see Maya staring at Ty.

Oh lord help us all.

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