Chapter 6

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Ace's pov:

I sighed heavily as Piper mindlinks me saying two of our idiot pack members ate all the deer meat.

I glance to a young omega pacing around, her stress was present in her aura.

"Lola, are you ok?" I asked
"Sorry Alpha Ace, but we have no food for dinner for the pack, I don't know what to do"

I grab her by her shoulders to stop her pacing and make her look at me.

"Follow me pup"

I lead her out to the pack garden.

"See all this fruit and vegetables? We'll just serve this, and those whinny idiots don't need heaps of meat every night"

Lola laughs as I call the pack members whinny idiots.

"Would you like help in the kitchen" I offered her with a smile
"That would be great Alpha"

I nod and we start to prepare dinner.
Most Alphas treat omegas like trash, but not in this pack, they are still pack members and I care for all my pack members.

Plus I have a soft spot for Lola, maybe it was her big puppy ears or maybe her sweet smile, honestly I've always had a thing for her but I promise to wait for my mate.

After setting out all the food in the dining hall Piper pulls me to the side.

"I saw your mate" she whispered.
"Where?" I asked her eagerly
"On the border, but listen, she wasn't alone" she replied

Anger and Jealousy bubbles up inside me.

"Who was with her?" I growl.
"I don't know but we need to approach this with caution" she said seriously, eyes meeting mine for a moment. She didn't like eye contact too much

I sigh, knowing she's right.

"Let's get you some food"
"Yeah food fixes everything" I said happily licking my lips

We laugh before heading to the head of the table, we have to seats for us at one end since we are both Alpha.

All the pack members heads to to us, even the small pups' .

"Well what are you waiting for? Eat!" I cheered out

The pack laughs before eating and chatting amongst themselves.

I look to Piper seeing her talking professionally with Ross.

I smirk before picking up a grape from plat and throw it at Piper.

"Ace, stop" she said sternly
"Pips you're no fun" I huff

I turn to look at my food when I feel something hit my head.
I turn to my sister with my mouth open in shock.

"Close your mouth, it's not very Alphalike" she said in a teasing manner, tilting her head to the side with a smirk
"Well dear sister, neither is throwing food"  I said, picking up some mash potatoes with my finger and smear it on her nose.

"Oh you're gonna get it" she said licking her nose

Before she could retaliate one of our guards came rushing into the dinning hall calling for us.

"Alphas, we've caught what seems to be a rouge" a warrior said loudly

The rest of the pack gasps before Piper silences them.

"Bring the mutt to my office"

Zac nods and runs out.

Piper and I glance at each other before nodding.

Piper and I waited for our guards and the rouge.

Zac walks through the door with a young girl with messy platinum blonde hair.
She looks up and I see her pale purple eyes making me gasp, it's my mate.

"Take her to the empty bedroom beside mine and make sure she can't leave" I said in my alpha voice. My wolf was running around happily in my head

Zac nods and takes my mate out of the room.

Piper looked in my direction, giving me a confused yet excited look "Was that...?"

I paused, looking towards the door. I smelt the air, her scent still strong.

"Yeah, it was"

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