Chapter 25

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Pipers pov:

Have you ever felt so happy yet sad at the same time

I found my mate

He's a douche

When we were in the meeting, I didn't mean to growl...just it's my protect him.

The car was filled with awkward silence. I looked at Ace who seemed a tad angry and concerned but kept her eyes out the window. She had Maya to calm her at least

I feel like no one understands what it's like to watch the happiness you could have just be shoved in your face. To be shown something you should be able to have but can't. But everyone else can. Then to be treated like utter shit by the thing that's supposed to make you happy

I sighed

"Ace...I'm sorry! I didn't mean to growl at you! It's just my instincts..." I said tears brimming my eyes "please don't be mad at me..."
"I'm not mad, just a tad bit disappointed." She paused giving me a sad look "You picked him over me"
"I-I" I looked down in despair "would you not do the same if it was Maya?" I mumbled, this time it was her turn to be speechless
"I'm sorry, I didn't think of it that way" she said sadly, holding hands with Maya
"It's okay. No one thinks of it that way."
"What do you mean?" She said with concern

I felt tears stream down my face

The driver pulled over

"I've watched everyone find their mates. I'm very happy for them of course, but it hurts so much knowing for 2 years I could of had that. When you found Maya I was so happy for you. Yes you had your ups and downs but you made things work. For mate hates us. He looks at me with such disgust Ace!" I said sobbing. I felt her grab my hand "Just, everyone is so happy, and they have someone at least, it just feels like I have no one" I felt tears slip down my cheeks. Ace wiped them away

"Pips, everything will work out. I promise you. Don't ever think that way, you have us! You have me..." she trailed off giving me a sad smile "Keenan doesn't know what he's missing, I'm sure he'll come around don't worry"

I sighed, it seems like that dream is falling into place

"I wished he would've showed some sort of emotion towards me other then those of his father..." I added
"Listen, Keenan is like my father because he grew up in fear of being 'the perfect son'. I tried to fight the mate bond and it only pulled me closer to mine. Eventually it will do the same to him." Maya said with a smile

I nodded at her words. Jacota and I knew she was right

The driver started the car up and we drove back in silence


~A couple days later~

Over the past couple of days, Michael has been...odd

We promoted him back to his original position. But every time I go to talk to him he's very secretive about everything

We'll be watching him

I shifted into my wolf and went for a run. I just needed a break from everything

I sat at the edge of the border where there was a nice stream. Fish were in it so I'd catch one every now and then

I laid in the cool water. My fur was mated with the mud and sand from the stream and I was very hot so this soothed me. I relaxed and closed my eyes listening to the birds chirp. For once I felt at peace

I heard a tree branch snap from the other side of the border. I peered my head up to see movement in the bushes

I stretched out and walked over to the end of our pack lines

Walk over this and I'm no longer protected

I crept over the line and growled when I smelt another wolf

It was a grey wolf with blue eyes. He growled at me before turning to run. I saw a fire marking in the shape of a shield branded onto his skin

Red Knights

Was he spying on me?

I was going to run after him...but this isn't my territory. Yes it's neutral but I don't have the protections of it being my land...

I have to tell Ace asap

This is bad

I went to go back to the pack house when I heard someone clear their throat

I turned to see Elves

Um this is new

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