Chapter 42

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Long time no see...sorry bout that :(

Ace's pov:




"Are you sure?"
"I don't know for sure but yea" a smile slips on her face.
"We're gonna have a kid" I whisper in shock

I pull her into my arms.

"We're gonna have a kid!!" I nuzzle my face into her neck.

"We're gonna be moms, woah" she says, placing her hand on her stomach before removing it to wipe a tear from her eye
"I can't wait" I place my hand on her tummy, soon I'll be able to feel my pup moving, though right now they're just a small little thing.

I kneel in front of her and kiss her stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you pup" I whisper against her stomach.

Maya runs her hands through my hair.
I smile up at her, my beautiful mate, and the mother of my pup.

"I love you" I say happily
"I love you too"

She's pulls me to my feet and kisses me.

"I'm finally gonna have a happy family" Maya says, her voice breaks a tad
"That's all I want for us"

I hug her tight, I was so happy.
I'm going to have a pup, a lil creature of my own.

Soon we're down stairs cooking breakfast with Sam and Ross.

"Wow, I'm the only top in the room" I joke earning me three slaps on the back of my head by the others.

I chuckle lightly and go back to cooking eggs.

We set the table and call everyone in for breakfast, even Micheal.

Everyone was happy and giddy, talking and laughing.

Ross and Luke stand up.

"Guys, we have an announcement" Ross says happily

He looks to Luke excitedly.

"I'm pregnant!!!"

The table breaks out in cheers.
Wow two babies on the way.

"So you do have a vagina?"

All the gays look to her with confused looks.

"Um no? That's um not how it works?"
"But with Ace she grew a dick when Maya was in heat" she says pointing to me
"Didn't need to share that"
"That's because women don't have anything that can deliver the sperm into the body, well guys have that and a way for the sperm to get into the body"
"Oh...whoopsies" she says smiling awkwardly

I look at my food.

"Suddenly I'm not hungry" I say pushing my plate away

Everyone laughs.

'Can we tell them about the baby?'
'Yes, but only them' I say nodding my head

Maya hops up excitedly, I stand next to her.

"We have some news too" I announce
"I'm pregnant too!!" Maya cheers

Everyone cheers again.

"We get to decorate our babyrooms together!!" Ross screams excitedly
"Yes!!!" Ross and Maya hug and cry a bit.

I nudge Luke's shoulder.

"Women, am I right?"

Both of the pregnant wolves glare at me.

"You know that news of the pregnancies can't be known by anyone besides the people in this room"

Everyone nods.

After everyone calms down we get back to eating.

Anyone else pregnant?" Sapphire jokes.
"Ace eats like she is" Like chuckles
Shut up pretty boy" I laugh.

This was good, everyone laughing and talking.
Even in this time of war we still had a sense of family.

"Wait so, Ace, how big is your dick?" Michael asks

Sam gasps and slaps his mate upside the head.

"Bigger than yours" I reply with a smile

Now it's my turn to get slapped by my mate.

"WELL IT IS!" I argue

Everyone busts out laughing.

"Ok ok enough dick talk" Piper laughs while wiping tears away.

Everyone waits a few seconds.

Luke stands up proudly "I SUCK DICK"

Everyone loses it and we're all laughing our heads off.

A good start to a good day.

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