Chapter 26

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Ace's pov:

I was pacing around my office, had I actually pushed my sister to the point of tears? How could I be so foolish?

Yes I was disappointed that she chose him, though it was inevitable.

I sigh sitting at my deck, my head in my hands.

My stress levels were so high, from the war and such.

Maya walked in with a look of worry on her face.

"We need to talk" she said
"Please tell me I didn't mess up another relationship" I said, keeping my eyes from trailing her up and down. Not at a time like this

She shakes her head and sits on my desk.

"There's a problem" she stated
"What? With what?" I questioned, snapping my head up
"With Micheal, somethings up with him, and it's not good "

I nod agreeing with her, honesty I never liked him but Piper was fond of him so I tolerated him.

"He's been very suspicious lately"
"Very, he fantly smells of the red knights" I added.

A loud growl erupted from my throat, I hated them with a passion.

"I know, I hate them too" she sighed, "I can't believe my brother is Pipers mate"

I nod my head. What're the odds right?
I hated the man but I had to control my emotions for Pips.

"...I'm worried Maya" I said, grabbing her hand to calm me
"Don't be love, we'll win this war and fulfill the prophecy "

She leans towards me and places to loving kiss on my lips.

"While I'd love to kiss you forever, we must go train "

I nod standing up, we head to the training field.

My warriors were lined up waiting for orders.

"First we'll do hand on hand combat then weapons training" I told them

They all answer with a 'yes alpha' then go to training.

I turn to Maya with a smirk, she smirks right back.

"Ready love" she asks with a smile
"Born ready"

She throws a bunch but I quickly dodge it and quickly throw a kick at her legs making her topple.
She flips back up and charges at me, catching me off gaurd.

She pins me down, just as I'm about to throw her off Zac runs up to us.

He is out of breath and voice full of concern "There are people on the border wanting to talk"

Maya and I get up.

"Where's Piper?" I ask him, she couldn't be hurt could she?
"Already at the border" he responded

I nod and begin my way to the border.

When I get there I see a beautiful pale man with long fairy white hair and pale green eyes, along with a just as beautiful pale woman with long pitch black hair and bright blue eyes.


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