Chapter 43

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Pipers pov:

Today the pack was gleaming with joy. Everyone was happy because the higher ups were happy

I cleaned up the dinning area before walking to my office

I dialed his number and let it ring until I heard a click

"Ah Mate, how your name popping up on my phone makes my day"
"Glad, but it's night time so..." I heard him chuckle
"My bad, but how was your day?"

I had the urge to tell him about Ace and Maya. How things were going great and everyone was happy. That id be an aunt soon. But I can't

"Usual. We did a couple repairs here and there. Dealt with some rouges. We scored a good catch...fucking amazing buffalo" I licked my lips at the memory "How was yours?"
"Sounds kinda boring...minus the food. My day was average. War preparations. Got to see my mom" I heard the despair in his voice
"How is she doing? Do you know where she is?" I questioned. I wanted to help him.
"She's— she's okay right now. Looks white as hell but she's O.K. I think she might be in our basement cellar...I don't know. They blindfolded me but I remembered the smell"
"Glad. Keenan we're gonna get her out I promise" I paused and laughed "hell, let's get you out as well"
"I can't! I've tried everything. They won't let her leave. They won't let me leave...and I don't want to" he said quietly. I felt a wave of hurt wash over me
"W-what? After everything you still want to stay? But why? I want to be with you" I said whimpering

He paused, sighing loudly

"I'm the son of an alpha, I have a duty here at my pack. Without me here Marcus will destroy this place. The wolves here are my family, I'd never abandon them" he said. I paused and slid down the side of my door
"I, okay..." I paused, whipping tears away. "Keenan I don't know how much longer we have. 2 weeks til they come. Til YOU come. I can't keep doing this. It's killing me being away from you. Your pack is killing mine. We're losing so much badly" I cried out "We need you...I need you" I let out a sob

"Mate. Piper, listen to me. Everything will be okay. I won't let them hurt you—"
"Don't you see? Hurting my pack is hurting me. Everyone and everything is hurting me. I'm so, so tired of seeing everyone fucking happy. Then, when I get showed the simplest form of happiness it seems to get taken away!" I said full on crying "I can't loose my sister. Now more than ever I can't loose Maya. We need each other to survive"

The line was silent


I heard a click on the phone and a muffled laugh

"Glad to see the mighty alpha is breaking. Don't call this number again. 2 weeks? More like 1" he paused to laugh "I have another proposition..." he lead off

I growled loudly

"and that is...?"
"Maya for Keenan" he states
"No! Never...that's not fair"
"How's it not fair? Your happiness over your sisters? He'd make you already are so frail. Unless, Maya is suddenly important"
"You are not taking Maya. She's always been important. I am strong without him. I've lead battle upon battle without him, I can do this too"
"Ah that's where your wrong" he said happily "Says here in the scrolls you can't win without him"
"We can find another way—" I heard a howl of pain. "Don't you dare hurt him" I paused. "Go back to the original deal, I want my mate safe."
"And he is, for now. 1 week til we come for Maya and Michael....unless you want their dear mother to get harmed"
"Fuck you" I growled out "1 week til you're dead. Goodbye" I said ending the phone

The fucks will be dead before I let them harm my niece/nephew

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