Chapter 44

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I'm so sorry we've been gone...our lives. Gosh  just so much has been happening and it's taken a tol on us both. But we are back. Hopefully some of you are out there. Life gets hard, but we're here now! Got some big things coming!
-love , you're writers

Enjoy this bonus chapter of Pipers pov!

Pipers pov:

I groaned loudly, placing down the phone next to me. I remember my first phone was an iPhone 4 I got as a birthday gift from my sister. Funny how we got each other the same thing, just different phone cases. I got some puppy one that was rubber. It smelt of some store bought perfume that a pack member use to wear, who probably was the one to help Ace wrap the gift in the green and blue striped sparkle-covered wrapping paper

It was annoying. I hated having to do all of this but it was necessary I suppose

I jumped up from my chair and exited my cold room. I flipped off the light making my room even darker than it already was. As I walked down the halls, I had noticed how empty they were. No photos of anyone, just dumb pictures of lakes

After all of this I'd make sure to put up some family photos

As I walked past Ace and Maya's room I hear loud moaning and things banging. I'd have to inform her of all of this with Marcus later then. If I was them I wouldn't want to be interrupted.

I walked downstairs to hearing Ross having a dumb conversation with Sapphire

"Okay so is it New Orleans with the word lean sound in it or New Orleans with the word Lyn sound in it??" Ross asked, swinging his feet on the island in the kitchen

Sapphire groaned, smacking her forehead with her left hand. "Most people say New Orleans, not with lean, lyn" she replied

"But who decided that?? If you ask me this is just like-" I cut them off

"Who cares about that! We have bigger stuff to talk about right now" I argued, pulling out one of the grey kitchen chairs. They scratched along the tiled floor with a pained sound

"I just got off the phone with the Red Knights. Not good news" I paused, Sapphire nodded, urging me to continue. "They're coming in a week for Maya and Michael instead of two. We can't let them have them, you know that. They'll use them against us and could hurt them. I suggest we move them temporarily to another pack far from here for their safety and ours as well."

They gave me looks "This is just great" he said sarcastically "Are you sure Ace and Sam will like that?" Ross questioned "I know it's a good idea, but we need Ace here. Sam can go with them I suppose but, we need Ace here. She's our alpha after all" I nodded, they were right. Ace would throw a fit at this but, in the end it's what necessary to keep her and their pup safe.

He then added "and, Luke may want me to go as well, since" he paused, placing a hand on his lower abdomen

"Understandable. We can talk further about this when Ace is...available" Sapphire said, cringing as she heard them

"Just, if this does happen they should be far, far away. They could stay with Diego but Ace probably wouldn't like that." I paused, thinking of other allies "Maybe somewhere in the south where Ty is from? Like the coasts of Florida?"

They shrugged "I guess that could work. But then again this would have to be quick and we shouldn't tell anyone" I agreed with Alec, who was sitting in the living area listening to our conversation

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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