Chapter 34: All About Astral Projection

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I walk through the back door, my backpack heavy. My mom is ready for me in the kitchen.

"I thought you didn't have any homework since it's the end of the year. I hadn't thought of it until you left. Isn't this Friday your last day?" She intimidates me.

"Yeah but we still have tests to study for." I say on the spot.

"On the second to last day? Tomorrow's Thursday, isn't it?"

"Yeah...but I missed some today too. It's why my backpack's so heavy." I lie.

We were actually done with testing since Tuesday like every year, but my mom seemed satisfied.

"Okay honey, good luck studying. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" She asks as my dad walks through the door, home from work.

"Feeling okay? What happened?" He asks.

"Michael passed out today because he was dehydrated." My mom explains.

"Isn't the school air-conditioned?" My dad asks.

"He skipped school." My Mom says in a disapproving tone.

"And why on earth would you think of doing that, Michael?" He asks.

"I wanted to look for Y/N." I say. There's no point in lying.

"Michael, the police is doing everything they can. We have to trust that they and Y/N's parents will find her. Don't go looking for her in this heat." He tells me.

"Okay. Sorry guys." I say just to shut them up.
(A/N: lmao shut auto-corrected to shit)

"It's okay, Mike. Just remember you can talk to us." My Mom says.

Yeah, sure. "Yeah. Well now I have to study." I walk out of the kitchen.

All the LSD book told me was that it's illegal unless carried by a doctor or scientist and can't be prescribed in the medical field. It also told me it made you twist your reality and hallucinate. I couldn't be imagining this whole thing, could I?

I fling the useless book onto my bed and open up Superpowers of Our World. Scanning the index, I turn to the Astral Projection section and read it thoroughly.

Many people have supposedly partially left our dimension and enter into another world using their astral body. The astral plane is an unexpected frontier that is calling our name.

How it Works

Astral projection is a phrase used to portray a willful out-of-body, or OBE, experience during which the astral body travels to the astral plane. The astral body may be the soul.

The user in our dimension loses consciousness and is temporarily cut off from our world. Their body may lose color or they may be cold to the touch, but it would not disappear.

Meanwhile, their astral body is transported to the astral plane. The astral plane is a mirror of our world. It is a dark, cold, dangerous place where no human could survive. That is, unless it's their astral body.

At that, I stop reading for a second, take a breath, close my eyes, and regain my calm demeanor.

How it is Obtained

Astral Projection can be obtained by many different processes. Ordinarily, some form of toxins or chemicals are involved. On the rare occasion that the chemicals pervade throughout the brain and into the thalamus, they trigger a series of head pains, thus leading to the power of astral projection. It is an unusual event, because the chemicals travel more when their host is emotionally unstable, making their brain vulnerable. It is a complex power to handle at the beginning stages, but when the user has gained more experience they mainly learn to use their new abilities. They learn to control their astral body and their dreams.

The Astral Plane

Upon arrival and departure from the astral plane, it is not uncommon for users, and if  other living things were somehow present, to feel sharp pains either in their head or stomach. It is the astral body leaving and entering its host.

When the host is first transported to the astral plane, it could be violently unnatural and painful. It will most likely be uncontrollable as well. Once the user has been transported multiple times, the astral body becomes more familiar with the astral plane and the host transfers its astral body with more ease and control.

If two or more astral bodies were in the vicinity of each other, they would definitely know. They would all feel the same pains in the same places, connecting each other's astral  bodies. This would also be the case if the a two users were in the same place, but one in the astral plane, and the other in our world.

Danger Warning

Astral Projection users are more  vulnerable to electronic shocks than others. Their astral body is so unstable that it interferes with the the electric frequencies of nearby lights, electric poles, and cars. This is why many users refrain from transporting themselves to the astral plane once they've mastered their gift, or as some see it, curse.

The more emotionally unstable and reckless the user is in the astral plane, the more electric  mishaps are feasible.

Electric anomalies are also a possibility in our world. If an astral body touches a light or something of that sort, it could light up in our world. That is proof that the astral body is always linked to its host.

The Astral Body

The astral body is a mirror of the user them self. It is the exact image of the user, but it is transparent to a certain extent. It is a perfectly normal human, can do everything we can, but when it comes across another person in our world, they can't touch them. Their fingers would glide right through them.

Astral Dreams

When a user is just getting used to their abilities, they may slip into the astral plane in their sleep. Unknowingly and unwillingly, they could bring another astral body already in the astral plane to them. But in this case, they could not touch each other.

Stuck in the Astral Plane

In an orderly transfer of the astral body from its host to the astral plane, the host is unconscious in our world while its astral body roams in the astral plane. But in some cases, the astral body's host is dragged with it. This can happen when the user is just exposed to the chemicals that will allow them to project themselves into the astral plane and simultaneously loses consciousness, an extremely rare event. It is extremely difficult to escape the plane this way.

Astral Plane Leaks

The astral plane is a highly unstable realm. There are certain spouts of energy which morph into a sort of hole—a gateway connecting our world and the astral plane. However they are extremely unreliable for manual transport, host and astral body, because they are always opening and closing. On the rare occasion that a user trapped in the astral plane finds one, they are able to climb through it and return to our world.

Loss of  Abilities

It is possible that a user uses too much power at once. They may be trying to transport themselves and another through the astral plane. Whatever the case, it could result in a loss of power. Their astral body has been under too much strain and is immovable—stuck in its current realm.

That's the end of the section on Astral Projection. I sit in my room, my head in my hands. Those were the answers I'd been searching for. Answered all of my questions, even the ones I was too scared to ask.

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