Chapter 15: "Goodbye London."

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-Ava's POV-

I throw my pillow at my alarm, knocking it off my side table.

I hate waking up on Monday mornings. I'm always worn out from the weekend and going to work is the last thing I want to do. I groan, thinking about having to deal with the snotty customers at the boutique. I am so not in the mood today. I slowly fall back into complete slumber, surrendering to the softness of my blankets.

My alarm goes off again, and I throw myself over the side of my bed to reach it and shut it off. I almost fall out of bed, still being half asleep. Grabbing it, I notice it says its only 6:30. What? It shouldn't be going off for another two hours.

Realization hits me and I fall completely off the bed and onto the floor.

I'm not going to the boutique today, I'm leaving on tour!

I smack myself in the face, not believing I actually forgot. I blame it on being out so late last night, having a goodbye celebration with all my friends. I'm going to miss them all so much, but we all promised to see each other any chance we got.

I said goodbye to Freya, Olivia, and Finn last night. That was hard. Today I have to say goodbye to Poppy and that is going to be a lot harder.

As if she knows I'm thinking about her, Poppy bursts through my bedroom door. "Ava, what in the world are you doing on the floor?"

"I fell."

"I know you are absolutely gutted to be leaving me, but you don't need to throw yourself on the floor in sadness" Poppy laughs.

I roll my eyes at her as I jump up and pull her into a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much!"

"I know love. But you must tear yourself away from me and get your arse in the shower. The car will be here to pick you guys up in like 20 minutes!"

"You guys?" I question her.

"You and Niall. He stayed the night last night. He wanted to have a proper bonk before he left on tour."

"Okay Poppy, TMI!"

I'm surprised to hear he's stayed the night again. I've never seen a guy stay more than once with her, and that's if she lets them stay the first time.

"What can I say, the lad fancies me! Can you blame him?" Poppy walks over to the mirror, admiring the hickeys scattered across her neck.

After glancing at the door, she lowers her voice. "Don't tell him I said so, but I really fancy him as well. He really is the sweetest lad."

My mouth falls open in shock. This is new. I have never heard Poppy say she likes anyone before.

"Oh stop Ava!" Poppy's cheeks blush slightly red. Also something I've never seen before.

"Morning Ava!" Niall calls from my doorway, thankfully in more than just boxers this time. "The car's gonna be here in like 20."

"Right." I answer him, tugging my short pajama shorts down. I was not expecting company this morning, and I already packed my normal pajamas.

Poppy rolls her eyes at me, walking to meet Niall in the doorway. He follows her out like a lost puppy.

I quickly get showered and ready to go. Not having time to do anything with my hair, I just brush it out and let it fall over my shoulders in natural waves. Deciding to dress comfortably I grab one of the few remaining shirts in my closet, a black rolling stones t-shirt. I pull on some jean shorts, slide on some black flip flops, and pull my luggage towards the front door.

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