Chapter 25: Sensei and Boyfriend

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Elliot's POV

Eric left when the ambulance stopped inside a mansion. He seemed uneasy being in a place filled with armed guards. However, I went in. The place was unusual to say the least. There was an area which looked like a military training ground where people were training. We were taken past that area into a zone marked medical facilities. The place must be huge to have an entire area dedicated to the hospital area.

A two storey white building came into view. I watched through the ambulance windows as we went into the building's parking space. Levi was wheeled out quickly onto a bed and moved into a lift. I remained by Levi's side as we went up to the first floor. A doctor awaited us in the room where Levi was taken in. I was impressed at how quick and efficient they were. I was asked to stay outside while they attended Levi. After what felt like thirty minutes or so, the doctor came out.

He told me that the nurses were cleaning Levi and that he had already stitched up the areas that required stitching. He told me the gunshot wound has been cleaned properly and that there was nothing to worry about except for the possible concussion. It seemed the hit on the head was hard enough to create significant swelling. He wanted to do some further tests and I told him I wasn't Levi's guardian or anyone who could give medical consent. The doctor noted that I couldn't inform his guardians anyway since it was a facility inside a gang hold. So, reluctantly I had to consent to everything they requested. I watched Levi being taken in for a scan and X-rays. After what seemed like endless tests, Levi was wheeled into the room again. I sat beside him. He still looked very pale.

With him sleeping soundly there was no noise in the room and I was quickly getting bored. I checked my phone and saw a few messages from Daniella asking about me. I recalled how I had run out on her at school this afternoon. It almost seemed like days ago. I closed my eyes. She said she was worried about me. I texted her back, saying I was fine and just a little worried about my family. I wondered if she would really care about my family's situation. I didn't feel like I could tell anyone about what was going on. It was late now. I looked at the clock in the room and checked the cozy surroundings of the room.

The room looked quite luxurious for a hospital room. It had a TV, a fridge, a sofa and even a bed for the attendant. I sighed, rubbing my head and pulling up my legs to the chair. I propped my chin on my knees as I watched Levi. The doctor told me I could leave with him when he woke up. I just wished he would wake up soon. Just then I heard giggling in the room. I looked around and saw nobody there. I scowled and heard the giggling again. It sounded like it was coming from under the bed. Quickly I checked under the bed. A gray eyed boy around four years old sat there with wide eyes.

He came out from under the bed and said in a superior voice that he won the competition. I raised my eyebrow at that. He looked like he was supposed to be sleeping, judging from the blue sky with stars pajamas he was wearing. His hair looked cute with a side parting that looked like a hairstyle from the 1920s.

"From where did you come in?" I asked him and he puffed out his chest.

"I used the tunnel." He said and showed me what looked like an opening under the bed. I nodded warily. It made sense to have escape tunnels in a gang hold, I guess.

"So..what are you doing here?" I asked him, regarding him suspiciously. What if he was a ghost from the nineteenth century? He didn't look ghostly though.

"Sor sis said there are new people in the hospital and that whoever gets to them first will win a plize." He said loudly. I smiled at him.

"Is that so?" I asked him and he nodded with a smile.

"Ames won." He said proudly.

"So your name is Ames?" I asked him.

He looked at me oddly. "Uncle, you are saying my name wrong. It's Ames." He said pronouncing "A" clearly. I cringed at the "Uncle" part. I was a little delighted though. The boy clearly thought I looked like a guy.

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