Chapter 43: Promises

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It didn't take long for the Pietros to contact me through my lawyer. It turned out that they had approached mum to let them assign my lawyer. Perplexed on the way to get me out of prison as soon as possible, they gave into what the Pietro family said. As I thought, I was warned again to not speak of any association with the family or how close I was with Levi. I was not given any information of Levi but it worried me that he didn't even try to contact me or my family. I was told to forget Levi. I spent the most critical six months of my cancer treatment in prison with almost daily interrogations about Levi and the Pietro family.

Since I was underage and really not yet convicted of a crime, I was kept in a cell by myself. My days in prison were mostly spent in the infirmary and I cried on a daily basis, missing the care of my family when I was feeling so sick. Thankfully, the police didn't subject me to the third degree in their interrogations. It was really hard but I survived. The police could not get the evidence they wanted from me and six months later, they released me from prison without any convictions. My lawyer said I could press charges for the lengthy incarceration but I just wanted to forget about all of it. He was right that the best way to get through the term was to insist I didn't know anything about the Pietros.

Unfortunately though, the skin on my face had set into the ugly disfigured skin from the fire. I was told I could still undergo cosmetic surgery for it and I was surprised to know that the Pietro's were going to foot the bill for it. Still, seeing my face made me recoil. I just wanted to hide forever. My mum said it was a good thing that the eyes, lips and nose were not disfigured to require reconstructive surgery. But I was badly scarred. On top of everything, what hurt the most was that Levi did not even once come to see me. Instead, I saw him on TV doing a side role in some movie. It shocked me that he chose to move on as if nothing happened.

Only later, I knew from Izaya that he forgot about me. Izaya came to see me shortly after my release from prison and I got so angry at him that I tossed my hot drink in his face. He didn't flinch though and said he was sorry that the fire resulted in injuries to my skin. He said the family was thankful that I protected Levi. Then he told me that Levi had amnesia and the family saw no need in pressing him to remember what he forgot. It seems he remembers bits and parts of what happened but they haven't asked him what he remembered and what he did not remember about me. Izaya says he would have come for me if he had any memory of me and he admitted that they didn't inform Levi of what happened to me at all. The family wants Levi to live a life instead of being my guard dog, as Izaya calls it.

I didn't say anything to Izaya after that. For a long time, I contemplated calling Levi. But I didn't. I felt too wrapped up in myself to bother about anything else. To be honest, I was scared of Levi's reaction. In dreams I kept seeing me gather the courage to call Levi and he comes up to my room only to recoil in horror after seeing my face. I would sometimes see him call me a "monster" and at other times he would be kind enough to say "Sorry. I can't be with you". The dreams ripped up the little courage I could have had to call Levi. I was scared and felt such self pity for myself. Meanwhile, seeing Levi gather fans and becoming popular only added to my anxiety.

Chemotherapy had already resulted in losing all of my hair and on top of it seeing my face every morning made me want to cry and hide. How strange life was! I was undergoing plastic surgery now for recovering from burn wounds, when all my life I thought I would undergo plastic surgery to be a boy. The same went for my ovaries. I thought I would get rid of them and life had a way of granting my wish in the worst possible way. My remaining ovary was also not functioning properly and I was on a cocktail of hormonal medicines.

It was during that time that on one rainy night, Levi appeared at our door. I came down from my room at the commotion I heard at the front door. I was shocked to see it was Levi and I ran away quickly to hide. I covered my face and didn't want to go back to see him. I could hear Levi calling me but I didn't want to respond. I figured he got back his memories. He kept begging to see me and to my horror, Richie allowed him into the house. I refused to see him though and we ended up speaking through the door between us.

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