Sleeping Arrangements

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They dinner Itachi made was fantastic. I wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable so I waited to eat. When everyone was finished they went into their rooms and I dug into it!
"Mmm oh my goodness! Itachi can make sooome good food! I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks."
I looked beside me and noticed there was another plate ...
"That's weird who could that be for?"
"You've forgotten about me already?" Said a deep scary voice.
My heart stopped. Oh shit Leader-Sama!
"N-no I didn't forget about you! I promise."
Fingers wrapped around my neck
"Who told you you could speak? Hm?" He looked me right in my eyes. "You don't do anything! Without me telling you to do it. Nod if you understand."
I nodded and he stuck out his tongue dragging it over my lips. "Stick out your tongue."
I followed his directions and stuck it out. He dragged it down my cheek and to my neck but then stopped.
"Where's your bra?"
Either it was hot or all my nerves melted. What am I supposed to tell him? Deidara was making out with me and threw it off.
He looked at my eyes and touched underneath them.
"Your eyes are puffy.."
I guess he put his own scenario on in his head because he went back to .. normal?
"These damned animals. You're going to sleep with me." He held out his hand and I took it.
He was really .. dominant. And I couldn't deny him anything. I felt drawn to him and like I'd follow him forever. We went down the dark hall again but passed the door I was in before and came to a different room. It wasn't big like I thought it'd be since he was the leader. Instead it just had nice sheets, everything in room looked high in value. I looked around and when when I turned Leader-Sama held my waste and neck and kissed me. It was .. perfect. They were loud kisses and it got hot quickly.
"Call me Pein." He said looking into my eyes again.

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