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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from BBC Sherlock only my characters own rights go to BBC.

Katie's P.O.V

"Katie its time"

"What James?" I growled.

"Open this door and we can talk dear sister"

"Your not my brother" I spat out the word brother in hatred.

"Now, now there's no need for aggression or do we have to sort it out with another...meeting"

I glanced at the door hesitantly. I just received a harsh beating this morning for spitting in his face when he brought me breakfast. I didn't think my body could handle another one so soon. I reluctantly unlocked the door and stepped back allowing him to enter.

"I see you redecorated again although I don't really like it"

He looked around at my trashed room. The walls were battered with my footprints and my wardrobe was broken beyond repair. Whenever I was angry I would take it out on my small room which happened to be a lot of the time.

"I really should let you use the wreck room to blow of some steam all that aggression is bad for your health" he smiled at me, but it wasn't a warm smile it was cruel power hungry smile.

I scowled and said nothing.

"Oh lighten up its your birthday, let's celebrate"

I didn't feel like celebrating. My birthday only marked that I had been here for officially half a year and he knew that. He ordered one of his assistants to bring drinks. Maria came back with a bottle of champagne and two crystal glasses, she smiled as she passed me but I didn't return it I didn't want to get her in trouble.

"I thought since you turn fifteen today you might want to have your first taste of alcohol" he pored two glasses and handed me one. I stared at it not taking a sip.

"I didn't poison it if I wanted to kill you I would have done so there and then in that cellar but I have other plans for you big plans" he glanced at me with his cruel smirk and I knew that his 'big plans' wouldn't have a happy ending. He took a swig of his champagne and it was gone in one gulp he looked at me expectantly. I gingerly took a small sip and winced as the burning liquid slid down my throat I nearly gagged.

"That's disgusting" I choked.

James chuckled. "Guess you weren't ready for it"

I glared at him but he ignored it.

"Find something nice to wear we are going out for dinner tonight some place private near a beach not a lot of people around you'll love it" he grinned.

I stared at him surprised, were going outside, I hadn't been allowed outside once since I had been here. I don't particularly like the idea of dinner with James somewhere private with not a lot of people but I enjoyed the thought of seeing the outside world again.

"I would have picked a public place but I'm still testing your loyalty, Somewhere private however means no one can hear the noise in case you do decide to make a fuss, but that won't happen will it?" His glare burned into me and I nodded in agreement. I was going to have to be on my best behavior tonight or risk another painful beating or worse a torture session they happened every now and again but at least they had the courtesy to give me a day or so to heal depending on their mood. The more I gave them what they wanted the lower the amount of whippings I got every week to 'keep me in line' so I pleased them as much as possible, though I was used to the sharp burning sting the whip gave me by now. All the time I have been kept here I constantly practiced my deduction making my skills sharper as a distraction to the empty, lonely burden on my heart. With each passing day my hope faded. Why was it taking him so long to find me? Did he just give up? No my hope may be fading but it will never die.

'I will find some way out of this' I thought every night. Even if I had murder a few people to escape. The only reason I hadn't tried already is because, James had snipers on my family and only friend.

"Maria will help you choose something suitable to wear, oh and honey if you mess up tonight. Sherlock is the first to go" he mimed shooting himself in the head.

If looks could kill mine would be drilling acid into his skull right now. He left and Maria struggled in with five or six dresses. I sighed and helped her with the load. She smiled at me gratefully.

"Try to think positive at least your going outside right?"

I shuffled through the dresses not speaking. She had no idea what torture I go through in a day alone. My heart had been hardened to the point were I could sit in the cellar and watch the torture, listen to the screams and feel no pity or sorrow for the victim as I was sometimes forced to do. Call it selfish but now I just go willingly in the hope my weekly lashes will be cut down. She stopped talking and helped me pick a formal dress. I grimaced at the choice but it would have to do. I looked at the dress and in the back of my mind I could here his voice.

"Why a dress you never wear dresses. Why would you care if it looks good" his voice, Sherlocks voice. I closed my eyes and replayed the sentence for a moment then I locked it away.

'Caring is a major disadvantage in this game you will only give him the satisfaction of having more power over the people you love'

In baker street. (Johns P.O.V)

Sherlock was passed out on the couch for the third time this week. Seven nicotine patches stuck to his right arm. Passed out from abuse,at least he was getting some form of rest. I glanced around at some of the recent pictures of James and a few places they stayed at they moved around a lot to keep under the radar and so far it was working. On a few successful leads we got close to finding their nearest resting place but they were always one step ahead or we found one of james's assistants but they were shot in the head before we could get any information out of them or they refused to talk no matter how hard we pressed or how much force we used. I've seen men like this in Afghanistan they were specially trained to take torture and whatever kind of harsh treatment thrown at them. Though no one dared ask it out loud there was one question on everyone's mind. Was she still alive?

(Sherlocks P.O.V)

I heard John close the door. I pretended to be asleep. I wasn't in the mood for one of his rants. I needed these patches to keep my mind palace functioning without them I would keep hearing her voice and her laugh in my thoughts. Even now I could hear her light voice.

"You promised you would stop it's harming you"

I banished her voice from my mind. 'No... I'll find you... just leave me alone' she stopped speaking by I could still feel her presence lurking in the darkest corner of my mind taunting my conscience.

'My darling Katie' I will find you!

Katie Holmes: Broken [Book Two] ( A BBC Sherlock Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora