Chapter 15 Interrogation

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Sherlocks P.O.V

"Sherlock what the bloody hell is going on" Lestrade snapped.

I glanced at him. "Lestrade we have a possible ID on the shooter of today's attack"

"Who?" He asked clearly confused.

I rolled my eyes. "Also the same witness was an accomplice in the the double homicide case" I stated.

"Give me an address and I'll book him for interrogation"

Katie's P.O.V

During my run I got a return text from Tom. I stopped by a nearby fountain and took a breather relaxing my muscles. I opened the text.

I'm being arrested - Tom

I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. Sherlock had something to do with this I just know it! I raced back to Scotland yard just in time to see Lestrade drag Tom out from a police car.

"What the hell is going on" I demanded.

"Tom Dawson is under arrest" Lestrade said escorting Tom into the building.

"On what charges" I said angrily following them.

Lestrade didn't reply and dragged Tom to the interrogation rooms. Sherlock was standing outside of the room.

"What the hell is going on" I hissed at Sherlock.

He looked at me in regret then his expression turned cold.

"Katlyn stay out of this" he ordered.

I gakred at him and shook my head furiously.

"What charges" I shouted.

He looked at me with regret filled eyes and sighed. "Katie I'm sorry he's beging charged with suspected murder and attempted murder"

I closed my eyes and didn't say anything and the room turned very quiet. I breathed slowly controlling my anger.

"I will get him out of this with or against your orders" I said calmly and walked into the interrogation room before he could protest. Lestrade tried to stop me but I pushed him out the door and locked. The room was silent accept for the angry shouts and pounding on the door. I pulled up a chair and sat on it leaning on the table staring at Tom.

"Katie I-"

"Starting from now this is an interrogation anything you say may be used against you in the court of law understand" I said icily cutting him off. He nodded silently agreeing.

"First things first attempted murder you can't be charged you weren't the murderer" I stated. "You may however be charged with attempted murder if you don't give me Claytons whereabouts if you refuse you will have a heavy prison sentence" I said applying pressure to get the answers I needed. His eyes widened at the mention of prison time.

"Katie please hear my out I didn't try to kill anyone alright James wanted to see me that's where I went after we went running not a friends house-"

"So you lied to me as well" I cut him off angrily.

"No I mean yes but to protect you" he said desperately.

"What were you doing at the crime scene Tom" I shouted slamming my fists down on the table taking him by surprise I sat back and closed my eyes.

"Where were you at 8:30 this morning" I asked.

"At the mall-"

"Why?" I growled.

"Me and Clayton were James last visitor request's he wanted us to take out your and Sherlock he still hasn't figured out I gave the information to the police-"

"Congratulations you've earned brownie points" I snapped sarcastically.

He sighed. "I was supposed to take out Sherlock Katie you have to believe me I didn't want to hurt anyone remember I helped you" He pleaded.

I swallowed the guilt and nodded. "Yeah I know just tell me what happened"

He looked away from me. "So we went Clayton was aiming at you I set up in another position a security guard came running up and Clyaton shot him he threw the body over board and I tackled Clayton just as his finger hit the trigger the mission was compromised so we had to leg it but I swear I wasn't aiming-"

I held up my hand. "I believe you"

I got up and pecked him on the cheek and whispered in his ear. "See you in court I'm your witness I'm with you not against"

I opened the door to reveal a pair of furious faces well one furious and one mildly furious.

"Did you get all that inspector Lestrade because clearly he's innocent" I sneered at him. Then I looked at sherlock.

"Yes I was protecting him he has enough on his plate after his parents died I understand your trying to protect me from him but I swear he had nothing to do with any of this" I said smoothly even though I knew I was in a lot of trouble for protecting someone who watched the murders.

Sherlock just nodded and we walked out of Scotland yard and hailed a cab home.

"You and me need to talk when we get back" Sherlock said sternly.

"Yeah I know" I murmured. "I'm in a lot of trouble aren't I" I said quickly glancing at him.

His expression turned cold. "Protecting a suspected murderer, yes katlyn I would say you are in a lot of trouble"

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