Chapter 31 Plans Part 3 Ending it.

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Sherlocks P.O.V

"Sherlock she's only been gone a couple of hours I'm sure she's fine!" John insisted.

I snapped round and stared at him, he doesn't know Katie as well as I do and I know she is up to something.

"Two hours john! You tell me she isn't up to something"

"For God sake!, she's visiting her mothers grave! She wants to be alone"

I sighed in frustration. I grabbed my phone and dialled Katie's number. The tone rang and I gritted my teeth.

"Pick up Katie, please pick-"

'Your call can not be taken at this moment-'

"Damn it!" I threw the phone at the door and clenched my fists.

" JUST GO AFTER HER THEN" John roared.

"Shut up john I'm thinking... oh...oh of course, stupid! How could I be so stupid!"

I grabbed my coat and scarf and through them on half way down the stairs.

"Wait Sherlock!" John shouted and ran after me. I jumped in a cab I hailed barely glancing at him as slid inside.

"The diagones club" I snapped.

"Sherlock what is going on!"

I gave him a aide glance. "Katie is in grave danger the stupid girl! What is she thinking! She's going to get herself killed!"

The cab stopped outside the Diagones club and I stormed into the building. I marched down the halls and slammed open two wooden doors.

"I swear to God Mycroft you tell me where my daughter is right now or I will shoot you" I threatened pointing my gun at him.

"I see you've figured it out then brother however that information is classified between-"

"Damn it Mycroft she going to get herself killed!" I shouted.

" She does have your taste for danger doesn't she. Very well then she's in an old Warehouse on Kingston street"

Katlyn Holmes you better not be dead.

Katie's P.O.V

Tom and I finally made it to Kingston street. My team had everything set up and was waiting for my instructions. I slipped on my black clothing and sneaked inside the backdoor of the warehouse the whole place smelled like rotting guts and pig swine. I hated these places this was where the animals came to be slaughtered trust James to choose such a place as a hide out. I held my gun out in front of me as I scanned the room no traps...but something moved behind me...I ducked down quickly as I felt air brush past my neck. I swiped my leg out knocking my attacker of his feet. I jumped up and stepped back just as my attacker got to his feet.

"Clayton" I hissed glaring at him. This man tried to kill my father and I was not going to let him get away with it.

He simply smirked and twirled the blade of a very sharp blade between his fingers.

" A gun verses a blade that doesn't seem very fair" he said gruffly a sickening grin etched into his face.

I stared hard at him. "Why should I play fair after all you've done to me?" I growled back gripping a hold of my gun harder. "What's to stop me killing you now?"

"You wouldn't have the heart" he spat.

I stared at him and a small sinister smile played on my lips. "I've killed before" I cocked the lever of the gun and pointed it straight between his eyes. "I can do so again"

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