Chapter 8 Telling sherlock

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Hey guys sorry if this chapter is bad and I'm not exactly back I just wanted to write something for you guys because your all very supportive so I made this chapter for yeh and I found that writing gives me a distraction I don't need to think about my problems when my mind is doing something else so here it is.

Katie's P.O.V

I stayed five more days at the hospital before I was discharged in the meantime. I had visits from john and Luna even Mycroft oddly enough, but that was because he had a case for sherlock which he declined sharply but I know my uncle has a soft spot for me even of I drive him mad sometimes, sherlock refused to leave my side until I was discharged and you can only take so much of him! I managed to convince him to take at least he case because I knew he was bored out of his mind and I needed some peace! He returned three hours later looking refreshed. We talked about some cases that were offered and I slept... a lot 70% of my day I spent practically knocked out. But one thing plagued my mind as soon as I returned to baker street. How the hell am I supposed to tell Sherlock I murdered two people! I just holed when the time came he wouldn't be too angry. I was a little angry at him myself, he never told me I had a brother, for protection I suppose, but he could have at least mentioned him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I said tiredly.

"Katie i-"

"John get to the point" I snapped.

"I was wondering if you were OK" he said somewhat surprised, well being tortured and abused does that to a person. I was still hostile towards most people my guard was constantly up and alert in case James came looking for me again which he will so for the moment I trusted no one ad shut them out not because I want to but because I need too. Of James sees that I haveno attachments to those around me then he ccan't harm them, at least that's my logic.

"I was wondering if you were OK" he said again.

I stared at him. Seriously! I was kidnapped, tortured and had to stab myself in the kidney just to escape and he's asking me if I'm alright!

"What do you think" I spat.

A flash of hurt showed on his face but I felt no guilt."John if you really care for me leave me the hell alone" I shouted.

"Katlyn" a sharp voice called up to me. I heard footsteps on the stairs and inside I squeaked. Oh dear I'm in trouble. The door opened and sherlock came in his expression was neutral but his eyes were blazing I could tell he was listening to the entire conversation.

"Sorry John" I said quietly keeping my eyes lowered I learned in these kind of situations you don't argue with Sherlock.

"Sherlock had a case if you wanted to join him" john said quickly and left the room.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked into a pair of ice blue eyes and I instantly felt calmed.

"John just being...john" Sherlock said and I laughed.

"I guess so, I'm just...I don't want anyone to get hurt" I whispered looking at my fingers.

"I'll make sure nothing like this happens again" he said firmly.

I smiled and hugged him quickly. I scooted over and he lay down next to me my head on his chest as he played with my hair.

"I went on an interesting case recently" Sherlock stated randomly.

I felt my blood turn cold, this was not good! Its alright Katie stay calm you practiced what you would do if the the problem arose.

"There been a robbery but the thief took nothing and one person was murdered are you interested" he murmured.

I relaxed. Phew!, that was close.

"Katie what aren't you telling me" he demanded.

Scrap, I spoke to soon! I shouldn't have relaxed.

"Uh...its complicated" I said meekly.

"Katlyn" he warned.

"Its going to take a while"

"We have time" he said narrowing his eyes at me.

I was quickly running out of excuses.

"So... that case-"

"Can wait" he interrupted, tilting my chin and making me look at him.

"Whatever it is your not telling me Katie I need to know" he said gently.

"Your going to be mad" I sighed.

"Why?" He asked slowly and sat up staring at me sternly.

"Katlyn Holmes what have you done" he demanded.

I flinched at his tone. I looked down at my hands and fidgeted.

"Jamesmadememurdertwopeople" I said quickly. I held my breath waiting for his reaction.

And for once he sounded surprised but completely cold.

"YOU WHAT?" He shouted.

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