Chapter 27 An empty promise.

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Sherlocks P.O.V (how has it been so long!)

I managed to calm Katie down quite a bit, enough for her to settle and get some sleep. I knew she wasn't going to go to sleep and would most likely stay awake staring at nothing until exhaustion takes over. I closed her door gently and went to the living room. I resembled the pieces of paper and read the letter. I threw the pieces of paper in the bin and sat in my chair thinking.

"This has gone on long enough" I muttered glancing at the stairs.

Katie's life was in danger and I needed to make sure she stayed safe!

Katie's P.O.V

As soon as Sherlock closed the door I got our of bed and buried the hurt I felt. There was still very slim chance she was still alive, but I'm going to take it. James is trying his best to destroy me and I've had enough of it. I'm going to end this thing once and for all, no matter the sacrifice. I sneakily slipped into Sherlocks room and grabbed my phone and called Tom. I went back to my room and sat my legs crossed staring out the window.

"Are you any closer to finding his location" I demanded as soon as he picked up.

"Katie..." Tom said wearily.

"Its eleven o'clock I'm trying to sleep"

"Sleep is not important right now" I hissed.

He sighed. "No I'm not I can't talk to Clayton he thinks I'm a traitor"

I cursed the one lead I had to find his location and it's useless.

"Katie are you sure about this, I mean your family will be affected too" He said concerned.

" Sometimes we have to make sacrifices" I muttered.


"Nothing!" I said quickly.

" Well maybe we could track his number or something...never mind is stupid"

"Tracking his number...hmm" I thought it over and suddenly I jumped up.

"YOU BLOODY GENIUS" I shouted. Then clamped a hand on my mouth.

"Katie you should be asleep what's all the noise about" Sherlocks voice drifted up the stairs.

"Opps got to go meet me at the rooftop in ten minutes OK" I hung up and shoved my phone in my dressed closing the drawer just as Sherlock came into my room. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Late for a phonecall don't you think"

I looked at him then at a random spot on my bed. These will be the last few nights we spend together and I don't want him to see the pain I feel.

"Katie" Sherlock said softly.

He sat down next to me and patted beside him. I shuffled closer to him and he hugged me.

"I know what you are thinking Katie but its too dangerous and I won't allow you run recklessly into danger and get yourself killed" His tone was gentle but firm and I knew he was going to make it impossible for me to do anything, but I have to try, I have to stop James from harming anyone else.


"I will catch him" He said looking at me sternly.

I sighed and averted my gaze from him.

"Katie please tell me you don't have something planned"

I looked at him in fake surprise. "What the hell am I supposed to do, Lunas gone there's no point and Molly might as well be dead" I didn't have to try very hard to make pain and sorrow fill my voice. Sherlock gently kissed me on my head.

"Promise me you won't do something stupid" He said tilting my chin to make me look at him.

I looked him dead in the eyes and made a promise that I wasn't going to keep.

Just a short chapter this time. Just letting you know this is where the beginning of the end once again starts...

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