Chapter 23 Freedom! and getting grounded again!

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Katie's P.O.V

I was finally going home! John convinced the doctors that he could take care me and they let me go home provided I take my medication to help with the pain and anti-depression tablets. I scoffed at these but one look from Sherlock told me I was going to take them if I liked it or not! And I follow doctors orders, which were to stay in bed and rest for a few days and have three hearty meals because apparently I don't eat enough. The cab arrived at 221b and I eagerly leapt out of the cab and ran inside only to be crushed in a death hug by Mrs Hudson.

"Katie we were so worried about you, your drove sherlock up the wall. Speaking of walls stop shooting the bloody wall paper young man"

She let me and I breathe deeply chuckling at the fondness of Mrs Hudson.

"I've baked a few things if you would like to have some-"

"That's alright Mrs Hudson john will fill you in with the details later right now Katie needs her rest" Sherlock said.

"But I'm not-"

I was silenced with a look of 'just go with it' I nodded and smiled at Mrs Hudson and yawned a bit.

"Oh...well you have a good rest dear relax"

I groaned internally at how boring that sounded! I went into the flat and flopped down on the sofa. I grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV. I started to watch my favorite TV show Torchwood and then the TV turned off.

"Do we have a power-Sherlock!" I exclaimed, he pulled out the plug at the socket and I glared at him.

"What the hell was that for"

"Language" he corrected me sharply.

"Sorry what did you do that for" I said dryly.

"Better,the reason you need to rest"

I stared at him horrified. "I thought you were kidding!"

"No I meant it doctors orders"

Oh hell to the no! I was not going to lay in bed all week! I leapt out of the chair and ran to the door.

"Katlyn" sherlock shouted.

But I was already thundering down the stairs. I flung open the door just as John came in with my bags from the hospital.

"What the-"

I side stepped him quickly and ran down the street it only took him a second to realize what was going on ad the two of them started to chase after me, but I was just that little faster from the long runs I took nearly every day. People started to stare, probably because to them it looked weird. A stranger wearing a hospital gown being chased by two men shouting my name and how much trouble I was in when they caught me. But the sights and the noise was just a blur ad I stormed on enjoying the feeling it gave me. The feeling of freedom. I ran across the road and I heard the screeching of tyres and angry car horns. Suddenly there was a scream. I realized it was coming from me as a car hurtled towards. I was yanked back and I fell into someone's arms. They started shaking me and I looked up into johns eyes.


"Christ Katie are your trying to put yourself back in hospital" He snapped worriedly checking over me for injuries.

"I'm fine John" I sighed and jumped around. "See perfectly fi-"


I turned around and came face to face with a furious looking sherlock. He grabbed me by the arms and shook hard.

"What the hell were you thinking running off like that and nearly getting yourself killed. You should be resting you were shot in the chest" He shouted at me and I shrank at his tone.

"Take it easy Sherlock your scaring her" John said gently.

Sherlock looked at me and his eyes softened a little then they hardened again.

"Back to baker street Now!" He demanded.

"Uh, fine"

I followed them reluctantly. When we got back to the flat sherlock locked the door.

"Oh come on! You can't just-"

"I'm not taking any chances no go on upstairs and get some rest"

I sulked and trudged upstairs to my room him following behind me. I flung myself onto my bed and tucked myself in turning away from him. He sighed and sat on the edge of my bed patting my leg.

"What on earth were you thinking Katie flinging yourself onto the road like that" he muttered softly.

Well at least he isn't mad at me anymore.

"Your not to leave this flat until I tell you understand"

Me and my big mouth!

"How long will that be?" I complained.

"When I tell you" he said firmly.

I sighed. "Fine I understand"

"And I'll be watching so don't run off" he added.

"Fine" I muttered sulkily.

"Good, now get some sleep"

I closed my eyes and turned around. I hadn't heard him leave. I opened my eyes.

"Are you going to sit there and watch me while I sleep" I said sarcastically.

Sherlock kicked of his shoes and lied down next to me. What the fluff?

"Yes actually I am...I want to make sure you don't have a another nightmare"

I swallowed and moved closer resting my head on his chest my favorite position. He wrapped his arms protectively around my waist and hugged my closer.

"Sherlock I...Oh" John noticed our 'intimate' moment and slipped quietly out the door, not that I minded if he stayed he is practically a second father to me.



"Am I still aloud to read"


"Yes sherlock"

"Go. To. Sleep."

"OK...I was just wondering-"

I felt his hand clamp on my mouth.

"OK" but it came out as a muffled, Omfff. I shut up an he removed his hand.

"Good, sleep now!"

I smiled and nestled into him. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

I uploaded this cause I thought it was funny but don't worry you'll see so e action soon enough! Love y'all Katie fans ;)

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