Chapter 29 Plans part 2

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Katie's P.O.V

The second my eyes opened this morning my plans were in motion. This morning was my last time to spend with Sherlock so I made myself a hot chocolate and Sherlocks usual, a black coffee and three sugars, and toast. I didn't want to eat but I would need m energy.

"Any reason why your making my beverage?" Sherlock asked as I poured the water into our cups.

I shrugged. "Its early in the morning I wanted something to wake me up I figured I should make you one too since you would probably ask me anyway"

He smiled and ruffled my curls. "You are full of surprises"

"I am indeed" I grinned.

I handed him a cup and went into the living room laying down on the sofa. Sherlock sat in his chair across the way from me.

"Any interesting cases?" I asked sipping my coco. (Haha nickname)

"Not particularly" he muttered staring out the window.

"Is everything alright?" I asked slightly worried. Has James said something to him?

"No...somethings troubling me"

"What?" I asked immediately. Sherlock only ever admitted he was troubled when something was either too complex or something bad is on his mind.

"You" He snapped narrowing his eyes and looking me up and down.

"Me? What have I done?" I protested.

" Where did you go last night?" He shouted at me.

I shrinked back at his tone. "I...Why do you want to know" I suddenly snapped it wasn't any of his business what I did.

"Don't take that tone with me young lady" he said sternly. How dare he!

I clenched my fist and stood up swiftly. "DO NOT TALK DOWN TO ME LIKE I'M A CHILD"

Sherlock jumped up and glared at me. "YOU ARE A DAMN CHILD, THAGS ALL YOU EVER ARE AN UNPROECTED KI-"

His sentence was cut off with loud crack that echoed round the room. The room fell silent, Sherlock stared at me hurt building in his eyes. I placed a hand to my mouth in shock tears coming to my eyes.

"Sherlock...I...I'm so...sorry" I whispered.

Sherlock held a hand to his cheek and he looked away from me. "Well then" he whispered and left the me alone in the living room.I heard his door slammed closed. Tears started trailing down my cheeks. I couldn't leave him like this not after a fight. I ran up to his room and paused my hand hovering.

'Maybe I should leave him alone- No! Don't end it like this"

I knocked on the door and it flung open Sherlock glared at me his eyes glowing.

" Katlyn I think it's best we don't-"

I cut him off by launching myself at him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and refused to let go.

"I'm so,so,so, sorry, I didn't mean to, I got so worked up and one thing led to the next and then I hit you and I really didn't mean to...I'm so sorry...please forgive me" I whispered into his shirt.

I heard him swallow and felt his lips on top of my curls.

"Your forgiven" he mumbled softly hugging me back.

After a moment he let me go and I ran too the bathroom and got an old facecloth dampening it in cold water before bringing it back to his room. I made him sit on the bed while I held the cold cloth to his red cheek. I winced at the sight of it.

"I really am sorry" I muttered defensively when he jerked back as I dabbed the cloth on his cheek.

"It's alright" he said relaxing again. "You have the hand of your mother"

I laughed, she told me about the time she beat him with a whip, she was in so much trouble at the time that as much as it was good to see Sherlock again, she had a duty to finish and their relationship had long since died down so it wasn't that hard to act in front of everyone else.

"There the redness has gone down a bit" I said after a while. I put the cloth back and hugged Sherlock again.

"Your in a very cuddly mood are you OK" he asked concerned.

I smiled and kissed his uninjured cheek.

"I don't want to let you go"

"I'm not going anywhere darling"

That pet name, it hurt to hear it coming from his lips for the last time. I sighed inwardly its time I started phase two of my plan. Lestrade already has a team sent to the old cottage to rescue Molly now I just need the supplies and to say my final goodbye.


"Yes Katie?"

"Will you do one thing for me..." I pleaded looking up at him.

"What do you need?"

"Will you let me visit moms grave again and I promise I'll be careful"

He looked into my eyes frowning. "Katie I don't think that's a good idea"

"Please!" I begged.

He sighed. "Fine but take your phone with you, I really shouldn't be letting you out since your grounded but I can see your determined to go with or without my permission"

I squealed with fake happiness and kissed his cheek. "Thank you so much I love you bye!" I said quickly and leaped of his lap. I could hear Sherlock muttering something about how strange I was. A goodbye that was short but sweet...yet it was the hardest thing I ever had to say.

I changed quickly grabbed my phone off Sherlock and disabled my GPS as soon as I got out the door. I called Tom asking him to meet me at the drop off point. I jogged my way to the nearest Starbucks, I ordered a hot chocolate muffin and creamy latte. Tom arrived just as my order was placed on the table.

"You ready for this? I asked him wolfing down my muffin. Tom stared at me and shook his head.

"Your an animal!" He laughed.

I looked down my muffin and narrowed my eyes at him. "Eat something you will need the energy"

"I'm good"

"This isn't open to discussion" I said sliding some money across the table.

Tom ordered after a little convincing as we waited for his food to arrive a man in sunglasses, denim jeans and a leather jacket entered the shoo with his girlfriend. The guy was holding a duffle bag of 'gym wear' he glanced over at me and I nodded twice confirming it was my package he kissed his girlfriend on the cheek and walked over to us.

"Emily so good to see you its been ages uncle mike sends his love and here's your things you left over at his house last night"

I smiled at the messenger and hugged him for show then I took the back.

"Thanks jack tell uncle that I was waiting for these for a while"

The man understood the message and left us alone. When he rejoined the que and Toms order came I opened the package and scanned through it.

"Everything's here we're all set"

This time James your the one that's going to suffer.

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