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It's two months since the passing of Katie Holmes in the tragic fire incident...at least that's what the media is calling. The arrangements had been finally set for her funeral. There was only charred skin and bones left of the poor girl,.but Sherlock, John and Mary insisted that she had a proper burial. So it was decided that she was to be buried next to Sherlocks old grave, that he would be buried in when he died. Only a close relatives and friends were allowed to attend the funeral. The press out of respect for the girl and for the greviences of her family, kept away from them scene. During the past two months Sherlock immersed himself in work solving more cases in two weeks then he would in a month even the most un appealing cases he took, it was enough, he thought, to keep his mind busy. Things were sullen in the Watson household and Molly quit her job and stayed at home Lestrade came round often and Molly's second daughter visited as often as she could. They were all there standing in front of her grave, a large group of people all of whom Katie knew very well, including mycroft who stood at the far back away from the commotion and more importantly away from Sherlock. The two barely acknowledged each other anymore, Sherlock grew extremely bitter against his brother, it was his fault his only child was dead. They all stood and listened in heavy silence as the least irritating priest droaned on and on, at least that's all Sherlock was hearing, his focus was on a tall man with sun glasses and a leather jacket, this man definitely did not belong at that funeral, at the end of the service he watched him place a single white Rose on her grave and he left the same way he came in, silent and quickly. After twenty minutes of people issuing their goodbyes, only Sherlock and John were left standing in front of the grave, Mary had gone home to gather herself together.

"She may have had done some many stupid things but she was a good kid" John said smiling sadly.

"She was a great kid and I will always be proud of her" Sherlock muttered and knelt in front of her grave. He placed a small gift box beside a bunch of violets. Then he noticed a three white letters sticking out of the brightly coloured tangled mess. He pulled them out and stared at the names. They were addressed to John,Sherlock and Molly. John's was labeled B and Sherlocks A.

"I believe katie left us an explanation" he stated nothing her cursive hand writing immediately.

"Who put those there?" John asked looking around him.

"Someone who doesn't want to be known" Sherlock muttered, opening his letter.

"Don't open yours until I've finished mine there's a reason there both labeled" Sherlock said and began to read the last words katie had written to him.

Dear Sherlock,

                            As you have probably noticed by the time you read this letter I'm dead. I am not going to waste time asking you to forgive me for I know you are mad at me as well as Mycroft, but I will say I'm sorry for the hurt I have put you through. The reason of my death is simple. James had to die and the only way I could kill him and not get thrown in jail is by dying a long side him. Do not do anything rash and please for your damned health stay close to John and Mrs Hudson and the people I know you care about. Comfort Molly for me and tell her I'm sorry for her loss. Luna had been forced to kill me but she missed and payed the price. I will see you again don't worry when the time comes we will be together and know this father, I never ceased to love you ~katie Holmes and ever loving daughter.

Sherlock silently slid the letter into his pocket and mused over her words and a smile began to grow on his face and he laughed, startling john.

"Sherlock are you alright?" He asked slightly concerned.

Sherlock jumped up and shouted. "Alright I'm better then alright! Don't you see john it's a message. The clever girl!"

"Sherlock what are you raving on about!" John insisted beginning to think that Katie's death was driving him mad.

"Open your letter john" Sherlock said smiling.

Carefully john opened the letter he was given.

It's only a magic trick John ~katie

And that was how Sherlock knew Katie wanted to follow in his footsteps.

A fake suicide, he decided, was still brilliant.

Dun,Dun, Dun and there you have it the Epilogue...Did you really think I'd let her die! Finally this book is completed and I can concentrate on some of my other works.

It's been an amazing journey. Love ya'll katie fans ;).

Oh and don't worry Katie still has one last journey...

Katie Holmes: Broken [Book Two] ( A BBC Sherlock Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now