Chapter 4 A melodic message

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Hey Y'all the behind the scenes series is starting again so give me some questions for the characters and I'll answer them :) Thanks, Love Y'all Katie fans ;)

Sherlocks P.O.V

"Name?" I asked Lestrade at the crime scene. He looked down at a file in his hands.

"Ching Yan worked as-"

"An arms dealer" I muttered.


"Oh for God sake stop looking so clueless, look around his office, the plants on his desk hydrated rhododendron one of the most expensive plants in the world only found in India, The walls are covered in expensive Indian art and his clothes are rich silk and made delivered to his door from china all these items are obviously not bought with his office pay check"

I waited for the effect of my statement to ware off before I was asked another stupid question by Mrs Donovan.

"OK so he has money how do you know he is an arms dealer" she crossed her arms and looked at me unimpressed. I was about to change that.

"Like I said he's recently been to India dark skin from a heavy tan so he was there for a while" I pointed to the safe.

"Also its not just a murder its a robbery" I stated.

"But nothing was stolen" Lestrade protested.

"The safe inspector Lestrade" I shouted irritated.

He inspected the safe, as I deducted around the dial were scratch marks from a crowbar the dial was broken off the safe was opened money was stolen then the safe was closed and a new dial replaced the old one.

"How is that-"

I ignored Lestrade and continued with my previous deduction.

"How I know miss Donovan" I sneered at her. "Is that the panel underneath Yan's desk is hollow, for storage, Why? Because there's no better place to hide a stash then at your work place if the police start searching because they will look at his house first giving him time to hide his merchandise" I quickly sucked in a breath then pushed the desk to the far wall, I lied down on the floor and traced my fingers along the wooden panels of the floor boards until I found with satisfaction a loose panel. I prised it open and removed the suitcase.

"I believe that is your proof" I stated brushing down my coat.

Donovan and Lestrade stared gob smacked at the contents of the suitcase. I let them stare and observed the room. The body was executed using a pistol round like the last victim the same method was used and the same residue was left behind I picked up a slither of polyester cotton used to stuff pillows. Whoever murdered these business dealers are skilled. I scanned the room for a point of entry.

"Your murderer is small in frame and is light weighted their not more older then fifteen and seventeen years of age" I deducted.

I waited for them to process the information.

"Oh and the male is 6'2" I pointed to a pair of footprints that weren't trampled on by the whole of Scotland yard.

"The female came in through that vent she's skilled in using weaponry and not to be underestimated"

There was something else as well but I was still figuring it out. The female was young and skilled with a gun, but she was shaky when she made the shot of both victims, it was her first murder which means she was forced! The male had something to do with it as well, watching over the murder perhaps? Making sure she did the job right? I returned to baker street with these thoughts on my mind when I opened the apartment door my phone buzzed I throw my coat and scarf on the floor and checked my message, a live video feed, curiously I clicked on the link and the video popped up. My finger hovered over the play button. The videos thumbnail was a picture of Katie. I pressed play, there was silence then the room filled with the around of beautiful music. Katie was playing the violin! The bow danced across the strings gracefully. I missed her music she is a wonderful composer. I found myself humming along with the notes. I suddenly stopped and reversed the music back to the start and listened to each note.

'Katie you clever girl" I thought. She was sending me a message through her music.

"John" I shouted.

Katie's P.O.V

We returned to the current safe house after the second job of the day was done and I was feeling nauseous. I dragged myself up to my small room and peeled off my blood splattered clothes. I didn't have time to change them after Tom set off the alarm by breaking into the safe with a crowbar! Idiot! I washed myself in a cold shower, I wasn't allowed warm water as one of my punishments. I was used to the numbing stab of iced water rolling down my back. I scrubbed my hair and body quickly and stepped out of the shower wrapping myself with a small towel that barley covered the back of me. I went into my bedroom on my bed was a violin case. I dressed myself in simple black leggings and a plain blue T-shirt I wasn't allowed vibrant colours because they we were too happy James wanted me to feel depressed constantly and it was working there wasn't one day here I didn't feel lonely or depressed, so why was he giving me a violin? I love the violin! I opened the case and memories of lessons with Sherlock teaching me how to play flashed in my mind. When the images disappeared, I read the note attached to the violin.

A reward for an excellent job. I should train you as my personal assaisan-James Adler

I crumpled the note and threw it in the bin. Then my eyes caught something glinting in the corner of my broken wardrobe, a camera! God I have no privacy! But this was new. He was going to send a video of me playing the violin to Sherlock to taunt him that's why he bought me the violin. I knew the video would be live and that gave me an idea but it would have painful consequences. I picked up the violin and the camera's LED light turned on. I took a moment to mesmerise each note, then I played a sweet melody using only those few chords over and over.

'The Docks'

I knew he would understand the message...I hope. The light switched off. I took my time placing the violin and bow inside their case. I was expecting one of James cronies to come in and whip me but James stormed in instead, a furious look on his face and knife in his hand.

"You little brat" he screeched and slashed my cheek I clamped my mouth shut waiting for the burning to subside.

"We have to be relocated" he paused and slashed me across my ribs. This time I did scream.

"Because of your little angst" he slashed me again and I screamed louder.

"Sherlock knows our location" he shouted in my face stabbing the knife into my leg I let out a brutal scream he twisted the knife deeper then yanked it out. I fell onto the bed with pain, tears escaped my eyes as my thigh throbbed. Beside the pain all I could think about was how did he decipher my message? I heard a click then a hiss and a searing pain on my open wound. Oh God he was cooking my flesh with a lighter.

"Stop" I screamed. My tears poured down my face soaking my shirt. The heat was so intense I screamed until my voice grew hoarse. Finally he stopped burning my wound. My flesh granted the cool air as a sign of relief, but my relief was short lived.

"Better stitch that before it gets infected" he sneered. He shoved a thin wire and a needle in my face, I glanced at it and sobbed loudly.

"Please don't" I begged, by my pleads were ignored he threaded the needle and stabbed it into my flesh. By the end of my torture my voice was completely broken and I let out dry sobs. He finished the last stitch and cut the thread. I collapsed back onto my pillow, my breathing laboured from my screaming. I didn't notice he had gone until I felt someone clean my wounds.

"I'm so sorry... I heard from outside...oh god, all the screaming" Maria broke out into wailing sobs of sorrow. I lifted my hand and with effort I stroked her hair until she calmed down enough to clean and bandage my stitched wound. The cream did nothing to help the searing heat on my thigh. I flinched as she tightened the bandage. Despite my day my thoughts we're murderous.

'I'm going to kill James Adler Moriarty" I thought venomously.

I know, I know a little violent but it needs to be there just to prove that her brother truly is evil...and me.

Katie Holmes: Broken [Book Two] ( A BBC Sherlock Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora